Dott.ssa Alice Palermiti
- Dottorato: 37° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 782888

- Laboratorio di Farmacologia Clinica e Farmacogenetica- Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia- Pad. Q- Corso Svizzera 164,10149 Torino
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Francesco Giuseppe De RosaCurriculum vitae
Curriculum VitaeTesi di dottorato
PhD project: Investigation of biomarkers associated with multiple drug intolerance and multiple drug resistance: a pilot study.
The primary endpoint of this project is to identify how patients develop intolerance, trying to clarify their mechanisms and clinical determinants. Then, a pharmacological evaluation and characterization of the types of intolerance has to be performed, considering different biomarkers which can be retrieved in serum or urine. Among these also microbiota-related biomarkers will be considered. Finally, the role of concomitant administration of antidepressant and/or antipsychotic drugs on the onset of drug intolerance will be analyzed.
Attività di ricerca
Training and formation activities:
- Partecipation to "Introduzione alla spettrometria di massa clinica" Salerno 9-10 September 2024
- Partecipation to "LCMS-dalla regolazione dell’interfaccia all’ottimizzazione della cromatografia" course 27/06/2024
- Partecipation"La cromatografia dei composti polari: Pesticidi, Acrilammide Amminoacidi e tanto altro.." course 26/06/24
- PhD Lecture: "Summarizing evidence from multiple studies", May 27-28-29, 2024
- Partecipation to "TDM e personalizzazione della terapia nell’ambito delle nuove molecole antinfettive e biologiche - Aggiornamento degli ultimi 6 anni" congress 13/03/2024-14/03/2024
- "Introduction to Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)" course 05/02/2024
- Congress Participation: "19th Residential Course on Clinical Pharmacology of antiretrovirals", 17-18-19 January 2024, Turin
- Partecipation to "Il monitoraggio terapeutico del farmaco: perché, come, quando" webinar biomedia 05/12/2023
- ICH Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2) Certification on 25/09/2023
- E-learning training course FAIR DATA - a.y. 2022-2023 February 2023
- E-learning training course OPEN SCIENCE A to Z - a.y. 2022-2023 - February 2023
- E-learning training course "Bibliography and bibliometrics like pros. Stay up to date and Develop Literature Syntheses in the Biomedical Domain. 1 June 2022 - 23 September 2022
- 6th International Mass Spectrometry School in Cagliari, Sardinia for the 17-22 September 2023
Partecipation to (R)Evolution in Infectious Diaseases congress on 3-4 november 2022, Turin
Partecipation to "18th Residential Course on Clinical Pharmacology of Antiretrovirals" 18-20 January 2023
Partecipation to "MASSA2023" Mass Spectrometry 2023 congress Torino, 28-30 june 2023 with the poster titled "Analytical validation of a novel UHPLC-MS/MS method for uridine quantifcation in human and mouse plasma"
Other research activities:
- Development and validation of a methodological protocol for pharmacokinetic evaluation of the new Covid-19 Antiviral drugs.
- Development and validation of a methodological protocol for quantification of drugs at intracellular level (Remdesivir, Tacrolimus).
- Routine analysis of anthypertensive drugs concentrations in patient's different matrices (plasma, urine, saliva).
- Routine analysis of antimycotic drugs concentration in plasma.
- Routine analysis of cannabinoids galenic products