Dott. Kumar Digvijay
- Dottorato: 34° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 880193
- 3313461583
- Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Maggiore della Carità
Largo Bellini, 28100 NovaraVia Nizza 52,
Torino 10126Ospedale Molinette
Corso Dogliotti 14, Torino -
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Renal function reserve (RFR) in living donor renal transplantation (LDRT)
Kidney transplantation confers a better quality of life and better survival compared with dialysis and is more cost-effective over the long-term. Living kidney donation (LKD) presents an important source of organs given the shortage of deceased donor kidneys. Growing confidence, based on satisfactory short- and long-term outcomes in living kidney donors (LKDs), has led to the inclusion of more borderline donors (i.e., older age, controlled hypertension, low-grade proteinuria, body mass index [BMI] up to 35) . In addition, the final decision of the transplant nephrologist in living donor selection is still highly dependent on estimated GFR, which is, however, not an ideal method to determine actual kidney function given the known factors affecting its accuracy (e.g., intake protein, muscle mass, physical activity, age, sex). Recent studies have highlighted poorer long-term outcomes in certain donor populations, such as those of African American or indigenous origin and obese donors. As all donors are generally well screened before donation, routine clinical parameters alone (blood pressure, urine protein, kidney function, body mass/size at the time of donation) have not been robust predictors of long-term risk in such donor populations .
Final acceptance of a living donor is, however, still highly dependent on GFR, which may be affected by multiple nonrenal factors (e.g., protein intake, muscle mass, physical activity, age, gender), and which when estimated, tends to underestimate measured GFR in LKDs .
After nephrectomy, the single kidney undergoes an adaptive increase in function of approximately 35%. The kidney's capacity to increase its glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in response to a higher functional demand is known as the renal functional reserve (RFR) .
Serum Creatinine level and GFR are the current standard tests to determine kidney function test (KFT). Since human kidneys don't always work at full capacity, thus the baseline GFR doesn't reflect full function of the kidney. Similarly, serum creatinine is not a sensitive measure for kidney injury or function. In healthy individuals the GFR physiologically increases in response to certain stresses or stimuli, such as protein loading. Renal function reserve (RFR) is defined as the difference between the maximal baseline GFR and the baseline GFR. The absence of a normal RFR can help to identify patients who are more susceptible to kidney injury .
Attività di ricerca
1. Renal Function Reserve (RFR) in Living Donor Renal Transplantation (LDRT). 2. Threapeutic effects of Mesenchymal stem cells derived Extracellular Vesicles (MSCEVs) in Lupus Nephritis 3. Characterization of Urinary Extracellular Vesicles (UEVs) in Autosomal dominant Polysystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) 1. Technique Failure in Peritoneal Dialysis: Etiologies and Risk Assessment. Da Luz LG, Ankawi G, Digvijay K , Rosner MH, Ronco C. Blood Purif. 2020 Jul 17:1-8. PMID: 32683368. Xie Y, Ankawi G, Yang B, Garzotto F, Passannante A, Breglia A, Digvijay K , Ferrari F, Brendolan A, Raffaele B, Giavarina D, Gregori D, Ronco C. Kidney Int. 2019 Jun; 95 (6): 1486-1493. doi: 10.1016 / j.kint.2019.01.020. Epub 2019 Mar 9. PMID: 30982674. Digvijay K , Neri M, Fan W, Ricci Z, Ronco C. Blood Purif. 2019; 47 (1-3): 113-119. doi: 10.1159 / 000493724. Epub 2018 Sep 28. PMID: 30269144. 4. How does Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Affect Septic Acute Kidney Injury? Zhang J, Tian J, Sun H, Digvijay K , Neri M, Bhargava V, Yin Y, Ronco C. Blood Purif. 2018; 46 (4): 326-331. doi: 10.1159 / 000492026. Epub 2018 Aug 31. PMID: 30173223. 5. Gut-kidney crosstalk in septic acute kidney injury. Zhang J, Ankawi G, Sun J, Digvijay K , Yin Y, Rosner MH, Ronco C. Crit Care. 2018 May 3; 22 (1): 117. doi: 10.1186 / s13054-018-2040-y. PMID: 29724256. Fan W, Ankawi G, Zhang J, Digvijay K , Javanese D, Yin Y, Ronco C. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2019 Apr 24; 57 (5): 567-576. doi: 10.1515 / cclm-2018-0776. PMID: 30179848. 7. Mitochondria in Sepsis-Induced AKI. Sun J, Zhang J, Tian J, Virzì GM, Digvijay K , Cueto L, Yin Y, Rosner MH, Ronco C. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 Jul; 30 (7): 1151-1161. doi: 10.1681 / ASN.2018111126. Epub 2019 May 10. PMID: 31076465. 8. Ultraviolet Radiations: Skin Defense-Damage Mechanism. Mohania D, Chandel S, Kumar P, Verma V, Digvijay K , Tripathi D, Choudhury K, Mitten SK, Shah D. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017; 996: 71-87. doi: 10.1007 / 978-3-319-56017-5_7. PMID: 29124692. 9.Association of High Altitude Hypertension with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Gene Insertion / Deletion Polymorphism Shikha Ch , Badarud Doza , Kumar Digvijay Published 2017 DOI: 10.15406 / unoaj.2017.5.00155 . 10. Hospital Infection Control Kumar Digvijay, Raman Vashistha, Shikha Chandel, Easter Rani, Yogesh Gujrati, Sanjiv Jasuja International Journal of Scientific Research and Publications 7 (7), 562-567,2016. 11. Renal progenitor cells: characterization and genetic manipulation. DSR, Kumar Digvijay, Sarah Aijaz, Anurag Gupta The Ganga Ram Journal 3 (1), 17-21, 2013. 12. Sources and culture strategies of adult stem cells SYED M SHAH, KUMAR DIGVIJAY, SARAH AIJAJ, N SAINI, S ASHRAF, MS CHAUHAN, DS RANA The Ganga Ram Journal, 2012. 1. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF LUMINEX CROSSMATCH TO DETECT PRE-TRANSPLNT DONOR SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES IN LIVING RELATED RENAL ALLOGRAFT TRANSPLANT: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE Monika Jain, Kumar Digvijay, Vinant Bhargava, Anurag Gupta, Manish Malik, Ashwani Gupta, Anil K Bhalla, Devinder S Rana, IC Verma HLA 91 (5), 379-380,2018. 2. Isolation, Characterization and Expansion of Bone-Marrow derived Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients for Clinical Translation Kumar Digvijay, Vibha Taneja, Anurag Gupta, Vinant Bhargava, Manish Malik, Ashwani Gupta, Anil Kumar Bhalla, Kriti Jain, Monika Jain, Nirmal Kumar Ganguly, Devinder Singh Rana Transplantation 101 (5S-3), S57,2017. 3.Clinical Significance of donor specific antibodies (DSA) in living related renal allograft transplant recipients: A single center experience ICVerma Vinant Bhargava, Devinder Singh Rana, Monika Jain, Kumar Digvijay, Anurag Gupta, Mainsh Malik, Ashwani Gupta, AKBhalla Kidney International Reports, S1-S22, 2016. 4. Comparision of Tacrolimus with Everolimus or Mycophenolate Mofetil or Steroid Regimen and their association with Tryptophan metabolism: A Pilot Study American Scoeity of Nephrology (ASN), J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 2016 1.39th Vicenza Course on AKI and CRRT, 2021. 2. 33rd AICC Annual conference: International Meeting on Cancer Metabolism, 2021.
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