Dott.ssa Alessia Bertoldo
- 502301
- Dottorato: 38° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 1041208
Attività di ricerca
Approaches to scientific reasearch
Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficients, uncertainty measures and hypothesis testing (Prof.ssa Milena Maule)
Scientific presentations (Prof.ssa Benedetta Bussolati)
How to write a scientific paper (Prof.ssa Riccarda Granata)
How to set up an in vivo experimental model (Prof.ssa Stefania Bruno)
Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors (Prof.ssa Milena Maule)
Pathophysiological basis of diseases
Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (Prof. Massimo Porta)
Physiopathology of diabetic nephropathy (Prof.ssa Gabriella Gruden)
Update on physiology of hypertension (Prof. Franco Veglio)
Physiopathology of autoimmune hepatitis (Prof.ssa Marilena Durazzo)
Pathophysiological basis of diseases and translational application of research
- Pathophysiological basis of hypertension (Prof. Franco Veglio)
- Pathophysiological basis of diabetic nephropathy (Prof.ssa Gabriella Gruden)
- Pathophysiological and biomarker pathways of cardiovascular emergencies and
translational application (Prof. Fulvio Morello) - Dietary salt: from physiology to disease (Prof.ssa Silvia Monticone)
- Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: translational implications (Prof. Francesco Giuseppe De Rosa)
- Metabolic syndrome on the digestive tract and translational application (Prof.ssa Elisabetta Bugianesi)
- Teamwork in the workplace (February 2024)
- Preparing for the selection process: from CV to interview (February 2024)
- Bibliography and Bibliometrics like pros: Stay up to date and develop leterature synthesis in the biomedical domain (March-May 2024)
General training course on Hygiene and Safety in the workplace (D.Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i)
Specific training course on Hygiene and Safety – High Risk in healthcare settings
- Safe handling of compressed and cryogenic gasses and related equipments (July 2024)
- "Advanced Technologies in Single Cell Omics" - FISV (Fereazione Italiana Scienze della Vita) PER I GIOVANI RICERCATORI (February 2025)
Seminar and Virtual Workshop for Seahorse XF (November 2022)
- Cardioprotection through pharmacological conditioning (Prof.ssa Ioanna Andreadou, University of Athens, Greece) (April 2023)
Genitourinary System EVs (GUSEV) Education Day (February 2024)
- Top Design Tips for Publications and Graphical Abstracts @ University of Turin (April 2024)
- BioRender at University of Turin: Better Figures for Presentations (April 2024)
- Summarising evidence from multiple studies (Prof. Aurelio Tobias, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research) (27-28-29 May 2024)
- 42° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIE 2023 in Rome, Italy (June 2023) - oral communication
- European Congress of Endocrinology ECE 2024 in Stockholm, Sweeden (May 2024) - oral communication
- 3° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE EnGioI SIE in Turin, Italy (January 2025) - poster presentation
- Gesmundo, I., Pedrolli, F., Vitale, N., Bertoldo, A., Orlando, G., Banfi, D., Granato, G., Kasarla, R., Balzola, F., Deaglio, S., Cai, R., Sha, W., Papotti, M., Ghigo, E., Schally, A. V., & Granata, R. (2022). Antagonist of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Potentiates the Antitumor Effect of Pemetrexed and Cisplatin in Pleural Mesothelioma. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(19), 11248.
- Presentation “Unacylated ghrelin and obestatin, but not acylated ghrelin, promote adipose tissue browning and thermogenesis” at the 42° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIE 2023 in Rome, Italy (June 2023)
- Presentation "Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) promotes differentiation of myoblasts and white adipocytes into brown/beige adipocytes" at ECE 2024 in Stockholm, Sweeden (May 2024)
- "Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) promotes differentiation of myoblasts and white adipocytes into brown/beige adipocytes" at 3° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE EnGioI SIE in Turin, Italy (January 2025)