Dott. Sergio Dellepiane
- f502-c001 Dottorato in Fisiopatologia Medica
- Dottorato: 28° ciclo
- Matricola: 283548

Attività di ricerca
Identificazione di marcatori precoci di danno renale acuto nel trapianto di rene; aspetti fisiopatologici e prognostici
- Tezza S, Ben Nasr M, D’Addio F, Vergani A, Usuelli V, Falzoni S, Bassi R, Dellepiane S, Fotino C, Rossi C, Maestroni A, Solini A, Corradi D, Giani E, Mameli C, Bertuzzi F, Pezzolesi MG, Wasserfall CH, Atkinson MA, Füchtbauer EM, Ricordi C, Folli F, Di Virgilio F, Pileggi A, Dhe-Paganon A, Zuccotti GV, Fiorina P. Islet-Derived eATP Fuels Autoreactive CD8+ Cells and Facilitates the Onset of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes 2018 Oct;67(10):2038-2053
- D’Addio F, Vergani A, Potena L, A Maestroni, V Usuelli, MB Nasr, R Bassi, Tezza S, Dellepiane S, El Essawy B, Iascone M, Iacovoni A, Borgese L, Liu K, Visner G, Dhe-Paganon S, Corradi D, Abdi R, Starling RC, Folli F1, Zuccotti GV, Sayegh MH, Heeger PS, Chandraker A, Grigioni F, Fiorina P. P2X7R mutation disrupts the NLRP3-mediated Th program and predicts poor cardiac allograft outcomes The Journal of clinical investigation 2018 Aug 1;128(8):3490-3503
- Dellepiane S, Ben Nasr M, Assi E, Usuelli V, Letizia T, D’Addio F, Zuccotti GV, Fiorina P. Sodium glucose cotransporters inhibitors in type 1 diabetes. Pharmacological Research ePub 2018
- Castillo-Leon E*, Dellepiane S*, Fiorina P. ATP and T-cell-mediated rejection Current opinion in organ transplantation 23 (1), 34-43
- Cantaluppi V, Medica D, Quercia AD, Dellepiane S, Figliolini F, Virzì GM, Brocca A, Quaglia M, Marengo M, Olivieri C, Senzolo M, Garzotto F, Della Corte F, Castellano, Gesualdo L, Camussi G, Ronco C. Perfluorocarbon solutions limit tubular epithelial cell injury and promote CD133þ kidney progenitor differentiation: potential use in renal assist devices for sepsis-associated acute kidney injury and multiple organ failure. Nephrol Dial Transplant. Dec 2017
- Marengo M*, Dellepiane S*, Cantaluppi V. Extracorporeal Treatments in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury and Sepsis. Current Perspectives in Kidney Diseases May 23, 2017 vol 190, 1-18.
- Dellepiane S, Medica D, Quercia AD, Cantaluppi V. The exciting “bench to bedside” journey of cell therapies for acute kidney injury and renal transplantation. Journal of Nephrology, 2017 Mar (1-18)
- Loretelli C, Moore RF, Ben Nasr M, Dellepiane S, Balan M, Mounayar M, Usuelli V, El Essawy B, D’Addio F, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Zuccotti GV, Pal S, Fiorina P, Abdi R. Immunoevasion rather than intrinsic oncogenicity may confer MSCs from non-obese diabetic mice the ability to generate neural tumors. Acta Diabetologica Feb 2017 (1-6)
- Messina M, Diena D, Dellepiane S, Guzzo G, Lo Sardo L, Fop F, Segoloni GP, Amoroso A, Magistroni P, Biancone L. Long-term outcomes and discard rate of kidneys by decade of extended criteria donor age. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Feb 17 (323-331)
- Dellepiane S, Ribaldone DG. Pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantations. Minerva Medica Jun 2016 (183)
- Dellepiane S, Marengo M, and Cantaluppi V. Detrimental Cross-Talk Between Sepsis and Acute Kidney Injury: New Pathogenic Mechanisms, Early Biomarkers and Targeted Therapies. Crit Care. 2016
- Cantaluppi V, DellepianeS, Tamagnone M, Medica D, Figliolini F, Messina M, Manzione AM, Gai M, Tognarelli G, Ranghino A, Dolla C, Ferrario S, Tetta C, Segoloni GP, Camussi G, Biancone L. Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin Is an Early and Accurate Biomarker of Graft Function and Tissue Regeneration in Kidney Transplantation from Extended Criteria Donors. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 30;10(6):e0129279.
- Cantaluppi V, Medica D, Mannari C, Stiaccini G, Figliolini F, DellepianeS, Quercia AD, Migliori M, Panichi V, Giovannini L, Bruno S, Tetta C, Biancone L, Camussi G. Endothelial progenitor cell-derived extracellular vesicles protect from complement-mediated mesangial injury in experimental anti-Thy1.1 glomerulonephritis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Mar;30(3):410-22
- Gai M, Merlo I, DellepianeS, Cantaluppi V, Leonardi G, Fop F, Guarena C, Grassi G, Biancone L. Glycemic pattern in diabetic patients on hemodialysis: continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) analysis. Blood Purif. 2014;38(1):68-73.
- Cantaluppi V, Quercia AD, DellepianeS, Ferrario S, Camussi G, Biancone L. Interaction between systemic inflammation and renal tubular epithelial cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2014 Nov;29(11):2004-11.
- Cantaluppi V, DellepianeS, Quercia AD, Ferrario S. Detrimental role of humoral signaling in cardio-renal cross-talk. Crit Care. 2014 Jan 22;18(1):404.
- Cantaluppi V, Quercia AD, DellepianeS, Figliolini F, Medica D, De Lena M. New mechanisms and recent insights in the pathogenesis of acute kidney injury (AKI). G Ital Nefrol. 2012 Sep-Oct;29(5):535-47.
* Shared 1st authorship
for more info:
Poster of Distinction. World Transplant Congress, San Francisco, July 26-31, 2014: Noninvasive prediction of T cell-mediated rejection in kidney transplantation by RNA profiling of Urinary Extracellular Vesicles
Premio "E. Curtoni" Associazione Interregionale Trapianto (AIRT) 2015