Dott.ssa Chiara Pasquino
- f502-c001 Dottore in Fisiopatologia Medica
- Dottorato: 26° ciclo
- Matricola: 284961
- 011 19503663
- Molecular Biotechnology Center, via Nizza 52, Torino
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Attività di ricerca
Carvalhosa R, Deambrosis I, Carrera P, Pasquino C, Rigo F, Ferrari M, Lasaponara F, Ranghino A, Biancone L, Segoloni G, Bussolati B, Camussi G "Cystogenic potential of CD133+ progenitor cells of human polycystic kidney" J Pathol. 2011 Sep,225(1)
- 03/03/2011 "Direct conversion of hepatocytes to functional neurons" di Samuele Marro, MBC Torino
- 14/03/11 JOURNAL CLUB "Bone marrow stromal cells attenuate sepsis via prostaglandin E2-dependent reprogramming of host macrophages to increase their interleukin-10 production", Nemeth at al., Nature Medicine 2008
- 23/05/11 JOURNAL CLUB "Female stem cells are superior to males in preserving myocardial function following endotoxemia", Manukian et al., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physio 2011
- 21/06/11 WORKSHOP "Prime cells, cell culture and mycoplasma prevention" di Pbinternational, MBC Torino
- 30/06/11 "Innovation: shaping the future" di Dr. Gail-Suzanne Brown, MBC Torino
- 05/07/11 "MCP-5 and TGF-b signaling: from joint development to arthritis" di Lara Longobardi
- 25-29/07/11 MATLAB Summer School 2011 1st Edition "Principles of Technical Computing", Centro Ricerche Scienze Motorie
- 12-13/09/11 Corso Ricerca Bibliografica
- 19/09/11 D-Day
- 22/09/11 Esercitazione Corso Ricerca Bibliografica: Pubmed
- 28/09/11 Esercitazione Corso Ricerca Bibliografica: Banche dati citazionali
- 02/11/11 "Mechanism of Long Range Chromosomal Rearrangements and Translocations in the Immune System" di Fred W. Alt, MBC Torino
- 05/12/11 "Chemical selective in vitro bio-assay for cells/e.c. matrix detection in 3D not-labelled cell cultures" di Maria Paola Sassi, MBC Torino
- 12/12/11 JOURNAL CLUB "A filtration-based protocol to isolate human Plasma Membrane-derived Vescicle and exosomes from blood plasma", Ryan Grant et al, JIM (371) 2011
- 11/01/12 "Endocytosis, stem cells and cancer", Di Fiore (IFOM), MBC Torino
- 13/02/12 "Cytograft Tissue Engineering", Dr. Todd McAllister, MBC Torino
- 27-28/02/12 Corso di Biostatistica
- 05/03/12 "Scaffold per ingegneria tessutale e medicina rigenerativa: materiali, metodi di produzione, esempi di applicazione", prof. Migliaresi, MBC Torino
- 19/03/12 "Evaluation of renal function in animal models: measurement of glomerular filtration and of glomerular number and size using fluorescence emission and magnetic resonance imaging, Prof. Nobert Gretz, MBC Torino
- 27/03/12 "Foxp3+ T Regulatory Cells: what do they really do?, Ethan M Shevach, MBC Torino
- 16/04/12 JOURNAL CLUB "Evaluation of bioartificial renal tubule device prepared with lifespan-extended human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells. Saito et al, Nephrol Dial Transplant 2012
- 30/05/12 "The human hepatic cell line HepaRG: a model to evaluate differentiation from stem/progenitor cells into mature hepatocytes, Dr. Chesnè, MBC Torino
- 15/06/12 "Molecular analysis of late B-cell differential: Physiology and Disruption in Malignancy", Prof. Uklfklein, MBC Torino
- 14/09/12 D-Day
- 01/10/12 "Medicina rigenerativa e terapia cellulare nella specie equina come modello sperimentale: dalle esperienze di laboratorio all'applicazione in ricerca e clinica", Dr.ssa Anna Lange Consiglio, MBC Torino
- 12/10/12 "Lecture of James D Watson", MBC Torino
- 15/01/13 "Ephitelial stem cells and regenerative medicine", Michele De Luca, MBC Torino
- 12/02/13 "Terapia genica: promesse mantenute ed applicazioni in medicina" Prof. Luigi Naldini, MBC Torino
- 14/03/13 "IL-15 nella fisiopatologia renale", Bruno Azzarone, MBC Torino
- 28/03/13 "Nuove prospettive nella modulazione del complemento e delle cellule dendritiche nel trapianto del rene", Prof. Loreto Gesualdo, CERMS Torino
- 03/05/13 "Uncovering genes for renal functions: recent results and methodological issues", Christian Pattaro, MBC Torino
- 11/06/13 D-Day
- 27/06/13 Laboratorio di scrittura progetti "Toward Horizon2020", Campus Luigi Einaudi Torino
- 20/09/13 "Cellule staminali di origine amniotica nella rigenerazione tendinea", B. Barboni, MBC Torino
- 14/10/13 "To boost or not to boost the immune response in sepsis?" Prof. Cavaillon, MBC Torino
- 28/11/13 "Importance of IT to achieve a correct clinical governance", Dr. Ing. Emanuele Gatti, MBC Torino
- 28/11/13 "Protect your ideas. An introductio n to patents", Stefan Weiss