Dott.ssa Chiara Maria Carmela Elia
- f502-c001 Dottore in Fisiopatologia Medica
- Dottorato: 27° ciclo
- Matricola: 300005
Tesi di dottorato
urine NGAL as biomarker for assessment of severity and cause of kidney impairment in cirrhosis
Attività di ricerca
Diagnostic approach to renal failure in cirrhosis (Andres Cardenas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 15, 2012
Prognosis of patients with cirrhosis ascites, hyponatremia, and hepatorenal syndrome (Andres Cardenas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 15, 2012
Dilutional hyponatremia: clinical significance and management (Elsa Solá). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 17, 2012
Current approach to the treatment of hepatorenal syndrome (Pere Ginès). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 17, 2012
Pathogenesis of ascites and renal dysfunction in cirrhosis (Vicente Arroyo). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 22, 2012
Current approach to the treatment of ascites (Pere Ginès). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 22, 2012
Diagnosis and management of hepatic encephalopathy. New perspectives (Monica Guevara). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 24, 2012
Pathogenesis, diagnosis and clinical significance of cirrhotic cardiomiopathy (Monica Guevara). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. October 24, 2012
Renal failure and liver transplantation (Jordi Colmenero). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 5, 2012
Acute on chronic liver failure (Vicente Arroyo). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 5, 2012
Pathogenesis of bacterial infections and of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome in Patients with Liver Disorders. (Javier Fernandez). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 7, 2012
Diagnosis and Management of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and Sepsis in patients with Cirrhosis (Javier Fernández ). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 7, 2012
Bioartificial liver support systems (Javier Fernández). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 12, 2012
Liver stem cells and Acute-on-chronic liver failure (Pau Sancho). ). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 12, 2012
Increased hepatic vascular resistance in the pathophysiology of portal hypertension (Jorge Gracia-Sancho). ). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 26, 2012
Non-Invasive Assessment of Portal Hypertension in patients with cirrhosis (Annalisa Berzigotti).
Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. November 26, 2012
The natural history of esophageal varices and pathophysiology of variceal hemorrhage.Risk indicators and prophylaxis of first bleeding from esophageal varices. (Angeles Escorsell). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 3, 2012
New therapeutic approaches to acute variceal bleeding and prevention of rebleeding. (Jaume Bosch). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 3, 2012
Hemodynamic Assessment of Portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis (JG Abraldes). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 5, 2012
Vascular disorders of the liver (portal vein thrombosis) (Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagan). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 5, 2012
Vascular disorders of the liver (Budd-Chiari syndrome) (Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagan). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 10, 2012
The lung in portal hypertension. Pathophysiology and current approach to treatment (J Albert Barbera). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 10, 2012
Splanchnic Vasodilatation in the pathophysiology of portal hypertension. The role of angiogenesis (Mercedes Fernández). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 12, 2012
Gastric Varices, Portal hypertensive gastropathy and gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE). Pathophysiology and management (Andres Cardenas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. December 12, 2012
Selection of liver transplant candidates. (Miquel Navasa). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 9, 2013
Technical aspects of orthotopic liver transplantation: cadaveric donor, living donor, domino, splitt. (Juan Carlos García-Valdecasas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 9, 2013
Ischemia-reperfusion in liver transplantation (Constantino Fondevila). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 14, 2013
Basic aspects of immunosuppressive treatments in liver transplantation (Mercè Brunet). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 14, 2013
Clinical use of immunosuppressive treatments in liver transplantation (Antoni Rimola). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 16, 2013
Histopathology of the transplanted liver (Rosa Miquel). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 16, 2013
Infectious complications after liver transplantation (Miquel Navasa). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 21, 2013
Metabolic and extra-hepatic complications after liver transplantation (Jordi Colmenero). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 21, 2013
Recurrence of primary liver diseases after OLT (Atoni Rimola). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 23, 2013
Biliary complications after liver transplantation (Gonzalo Crespo). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. January 23, 2013
Structural analysis of hepatitis B and C viruses (Mairene Coto). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 4, 2013
Cellular entry mechanisms and hepatitis viruses’ replication (Sofia Pérez del Pulgar). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 4, 2013
Experimental models to study HCV (Georgios Koutsoudakis). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 6, 2013
Serologic diagnosis of viral hepatitis (Josep Costa). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 6, 2013
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C infection (Jose Mª Sánchez Tapias). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 11, 2013
Treatment of HBV infection (Antoni Mas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 11, 2013
Treatment of hepatitis B in the liver transplant setting (Zoe Mariño). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 13, 2013
Natural history of hepatitis C recurrence after Liver Transplantation (Gonzalo Crespo). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 13, 2013
Treatment of hepatitis C infection in the waiting list and in the post transplant recurrence setting (Xavier Forns). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 18, 2013
Development of new antiviral drugs against HCV infection (Maria Londoño). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 18, 2013
Histological assessment of viral hepatitis in the immunocompetent host and in the liver trasplant recipient (Rosa Miquel ). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 25, 2013
Non invasive assessment of liver fibrosis (Miquel Navasa). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 25, 2013
Hepatitis E in the immuno-compromised host. Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. February 27, 2013
Overview of hepatocellular carcinoma (Bruix). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 11, 2013
Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma (Tovar). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 11, 2013
Signal transduction pathways and novel targets (Villanueva). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 13, 2013
Outcome prediction in HCC: Gene signatures and molecular classification (Llovet). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 13, 2013
Unmet clinical needs: critical insight into ongoing research trials (Bruix). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 18, 2013
Novel imaging techniques for diagnosis, staging and evaluation of treatment (Ayuso). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 18, 2013
Molecular pathology in liver cancer (Sole). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. March 20, 2013
Cholestasis: concept, pathophysiology of the biliary transport, etiology and diagnosis (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 8, 2013
Immunological alterations in liver disease: autoimmunity and autoantibodies (O. Viñas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 8, 2013
Primary biliary cirrhosis: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, histology, presentation and natural history, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis and specific treatment (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 10, 2013
Primary sclerosing cholangitis: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, histology, presentation and natural history, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis and specific treatment (L. Caballería). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 10, 2013
Autoimmune hepatitis: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, histology, presentation and natural history, differential diagnosis, prognosis and specific treatment. Overlap syndromes (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 15, 2013
Chronic cholestatic diseases in childhood of hereditary basis: epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, histology, presentation and natural history, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis and specific treatment. (L. Caballería). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 15, 2013
Consequences of chronic cholestasis: intestinal malabsorption, itching and metabolic bone disease. Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 17, 2013
Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of cholestasis (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. April 17, 2013
Imaging procedures in the diagnosis and treatment of the cholestatic diseases (L. Bianchi/M. Burrel). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 6, 2013
Endoscopic procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of the cholestasis (A. Ginès). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 6, 2013
Histopathology of cholestatic diseases and autoimmune hepatitis (M. Bruguera). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 8, 2013
Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (A. Parés). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 8, 2013
Acute liver failure.- Concepts, types, animal models , epidemiology and general clinical manifestations and management (A. Escorsell). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 13, 2013
Viral causes of acute liver failure:. Mechanisms of severe liver damage in acute hepatitis, role of the antiviral agents in prevention and treatment (A. Mas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 13, 2013
Acute liver failure caused by drugs and toxins: Types, mechanisms, prevention (M. Bruguera). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 15, 2013
Other causes of acute liver failure (cryptogenic, metabolic, autoimmune). Mechanisms, prophylaxis and therapy (A. Mas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 15, 2013
Renal and hidroelectrolitic complications in acute liver failure (J. Fernández). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 22, 2013
Emergency liver transplantation in acute liver failure (A. Escorsell). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 22, 2013
Infectious complications in acute liver failure: mechanisms, global approach, treatment (J. Fernández). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 27, 2013
Cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension in acute liver failure: mechanisms, prevention, therapy (J. Córdoba). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 27, 2013
Artificial and bioartificial liver support systems: pathophysiological basis of its use in liver failure. Past, present and future (A. Mas). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 29, 2013
Clinical use of albumin dialysis in acute and chronic liver failure ( A. Escorsell). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. May 29, 2013
Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (Jose Carlos Fernández Checa). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 3, 2013
Alcoholic liver disease: Epidemiology, clinical aspects and diagnosis (J. Caballeria). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 3, 2013
Liver biopsy in ALD and NASH. Histological classification and prognostic scores (R. Miquel). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 5, 2013
Targeted therapies and new treatments in alcoholic liver disease (J. Altamirano). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 5, 2013
Liver transplantation in ALD: evaluation of patients, indications and control after LT (J. Colmenero). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 10, 2013
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Epidemiology, clinical aspects and diagnosis (L. Caballeria). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 10, 2013
Pathogenesis of NASH (J. Claria). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 12, 2013
Obesity, metabolic syndrome and NASH (J. Vidal). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 12, 2013
Targeted therapies and new treatments in NASH (J. Caballeria). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 17, 2013
New diagnostic tools (-omics) in metabolic disease (J. Caballeria). Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona. June 17, 2013
Corso di Biostatistica, 20 Giugno 2012 h 14-16, Aula Leonardo, MBC, Università degli Studi di Torino.
Corso di Biostatistica, 04 Luglio 2012 h 14-16, Aula Leonardo, MBC, Università degli Studi di Torino.
D-day, 14 Settembre 2012 Aula Magna del Rettorato, Università degli Studi di Torino
Corso di Ricerca Bibliografica e Database, 17 settembre 2012, h. 9-13, Aula A, Facoltà di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Torino.
Corso di Ricerca Bibliografica e Database, 18 settembre 2012, h. 9-13, Aula A, Facoltà di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Torino.
Elia C, Debernardi-Venon W, Ferruzzi G, Bruno M, Caronna S, Musso A, Reggio D, De Angelis CG, Saracco G, Rizzetto M. Follow up of esophageal varices at 3 vs 6 months after eradication by endoscoping banding in cirrhotic patients. Digestive and Liver Disease, 2012; 44(2): S187.
Barreto R, Elia C, Alfaro I, Moreira R, Sola E, Rodriguez E, Graupera I, Ariza X, Pereira G, Morales M, Guevara G, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Gines P. Evaluation of a panel of four urinary biomarkers in the assessment of acute kidney injury and prognosis in cirrhotic patients with infections: role for urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). Bacterial Infections in cirrhosis. EASL Abstracts Book 2013 Vol 1
Barreto R, Elia C, Alfaro I, Moreira R, Sola E, Rodriguez E, Graupera I, Ariza X, Pereira G, Morales M, Guevara G, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Gines P. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), relationship with the course of acute kidney injury, haemodynamics systems and prognosis in cirrhotic patients with infections. Bacterial Infections in cirrhosis. EASL Abstracts Book 2013 Vol 1.
E. Solà E, Moreira M, Elia C, Ruiz P, Rodriguez E, Barreto R, Cela R, Graupera I, Ariza X, Morales-Ruiz M, Fernandez J, Jimenez W, Arroyo V, Ginès P. Plasma copeptin as prognostic biomarker in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology 2013; 58, S1
Elia C, Rodríguez E, Barreto R, Solà E, Ginès P. Augment de l’excreció de prote ïnes en orina durant el tractament de la síndrome hepatorena l tipus 1 amb terlipressina i albúmina. Suplements dels Annals de Medicine, 2014; 97; S52
Elia C, Rodríguez E, Barreto R, Solà E, Arroyo V, Ginès p. Proteinuria transitoria en pacientes con síndrome hepatorenal tipo 1 tratados con terlipresina y albúmina. Presentato come poster al XXXIX Congreso anual de Hepatologia (AEEH), Madrid, Spain. 18-21 Febbraio 2014
Rodríguez E, Elia C, Solà E, Barreto R, Graupera I, Ariza X, Andrealli A, Pereira G, Poca M, Sanchéz J, Guevara M, Soriano G, Alessandria C, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Ginès P. La administración precoz de terlipresina y albúmina es eficaz en el tratamiento del síndrome hepatorrenal tipo-1 asociado a sepsis. Presentato come poster al XXXIX Congreso anual de Hepatologia (AEEH), Madrid, Spain. 18-21 Febbraio 2014
Barreto R, Elia C, Sola E, Moreira R, Ariza X, Rodriguez E, Graupera I, Alfaro I, Morales M, Poch E, Guevara M, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Gines P. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin predicts outcome of kidney function and mortality in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infections. Journal of Hepatology 2014; 60:S225 TOP 10%
Elia C, Rodriguez E, Barreto R, Sola E, Arroyo V, Gines P. Transient increase in urine protein excretion during treatment with Terlipressin and Albumin for Type-1 Hepatorenal Syndrome. Journal of Hepatology 2014;60: S387 (Young investigator’s bursary).
Rodriguez E, Elia C, Sola E, Barreto R, Graupera I, Andrealli A, Pereira G, Arıza X, Poca M, Sanchez J, Guevara M, Alessandria C, Fernandez J, Arroyo V, Gines P. Early treatment with Terlipressin and Albumin is effective for Type-1 Hepatorenal Syndrome associated with sepsis. Journal of Hepatology 2014;60:S387
Ariza X, Angeli P, Barreto R, Jalan R, Morales Ruiz M, Elia C, Sola E, Garcia E, Nevens F, Trebicka J, Saliba F, Fernandez J, Jimenez W, Pavesi M, Gerbes A, Moreau R, Bernardi M, Arroyo V, Gines P, CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL CLIF Consortium. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a strong predictor of short-term outcome in patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis. relationship with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) . Journal of Hepatology 2014; 60:S30
Bruno M, Marengo A, Elia C, caronna S, Debernardi-Venon W, Manfrè SF, Musso A, Puglisi F, Sguazzini C, Rizzetto M, De Angelis C. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs management before gastrointestinal endoscopy: Do clinicians adhere to current guidelines? Dig Liver Dis 2014 Nov 1. pii: S1590-8658(14)00762-2. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2014.10.017. [Epub ahead of print]
Elia C, Solà Verges E, Rodrìguez E, Ginès P.Transient Increase In Urine Protein Excretion During Treatment with Terlipressin and Albumin for Type-1 Hepatorenal Syndrome. J. Hepatology 2014 Oct 2. pii: S0168-8278(14)00724-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2014.09.030. [Epub ahead of print]
Debernardi Venon W, Elia C, Stradella D, Bruno M, Fadda M, DeAngelis C, Rizzetto M, Saracco G, Marzano A. Prospective randomized trial: endoscopic follow up 3 vs 6 months after esophageal variceal eradication by band ligation in cirrhosis. Eur J Intern Med. 2014 Sep;25(7):674-9.
Barreto R, Elia C, Solà E, Moreira R, Ariza X, Rodríguez E, Graupera I, Alfaro I, Morales-Ruiz M, Poch E, Guevara M, Fernández J, Jiménez W, Arroyo V, Ginès P. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin predicts kidney outcome and death in patients with cirrhosis and bacterial infections. J Hepatol. 2014 Jul;61(1):35-42. The authors contributed equally to this work
Rodríguez E, Elia C, Solà E, Barreto R, Graupera I, Andrealli A, Pereira G, Poca M, Sánchez J, Guevara M, Soriano G, Alessandria C, Fernández J, Arroyo V, Ginès P. Terlipressin and albumin for type-1 hepatorenal syndrome associated with sepsis. J Hepatol. 2014 May;60(5):955-61.
Solà E, Fagundes C, Barreto R, Elia C, Ginès P. Reply to: " To close the stable door before the horse has bolted". J Hepatol. 2014 Mar;60(3):679-80.
Bruno M, Brizzi RF, Mezzabotta L, Carucci P, Elia C, Gaia S, Mengozzi G, Romito AV, Eloubeidi MA, Rizzetto M, De Angelis C. Unxplained common bile duct dilatation with normal serum liver enzyme: diagnostic yield of endoscopic ultrasound and follow-up of this condition. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep;48(8):e67-70.
Debernardi-Venon W, Stradella D, Ferruzzi G, Marchisio F, Elia C, Rizzetto M. Extraepatic aneurysm of the portal venous system and portal hypertension. World J Hepatol. 2013 Mar 27;5(3):149-51.
14th AISF Pre-meeting Course: “HCV treatment: the new scenario in the era of Direct-acting Antiviral Agents (AADS)”. Roma, February 22, 2012.
“45 Riunione Generale Annuale A.I.S.F.” Roma, February 23-24, 2012.
5th AISF Post-meeting Course: “Diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures in hepatology”. Roma, February 25, 2012.
EASL Postgraduate Course: Alcoholic Liver Disease, Barcelona, Spain, April 18-19, 2012
“The international liver congress 2012”, Barcelona, Spain. EASL’s 47th Annual Congress, April 19-22.
"Progetto Venerbi’ HBV: rilevanza ed impatto nella pratica clinica alla luce delle recenti acquisizioni e dei nuovi scenari epidemiologici” Torino, May 25, 2012.
EASL Postgraduate Course: Tranplantation & Liver. Amsterdam The Netherlands, April 24-25 2013.
“The international liver congress 2013”, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. EASL’s 48th Annual Congress, April 25-28.
EASL Monothematic Conference: Bacterial Infections in Cirrhosis. Barcelona, Spain, May 24-25, 2013
10th International Meeting on therapy in Liver diseases. Barcelona, Spain. September 17-20, 2013
“The international liver congress 2014”, London, UK. EASL’s 49th Annual Congress April 9-13 / 2014
1/10/2012- 31/3/2014: Exchange PhD student at Universitat de Barcelona, Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Investigator: Pere Ginès MD PhD