Dott. Federico Abate Daga
- Dottorato: 32° ciclo
- Matricola: 307411
Tesi di dottorato
Theme: How to define a personalized flow-chart of adapted physical activity in endocrine-metabolic disorders
Tema : Modalità di definizione della personalizzazione dei percorsi di attività fisica adattata nelle patologie endocrino-metaboliche
Attività di ricerca
Ponzano M, Beratto L, Mazza C, Di Tommaso S , Abate Daga F, Allois R, Gollin M. Benefits of Static Stretching, Pliates® and Elastic Bands Resistance Training on Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Longitudinal Study. J Neurol Neurophysiol 2017, 8:4.
M. Ponzano, L. Beratto, C. Mazza, S. Di Tommaso, F. Abate Daga, R. Allois, M. Gollin. Effects of physical training on multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2017; 23: (S3) 680–975 (pubblished abstracts of the 7th ECTRISM-ACTRISM meeting)
L. Beratto, F. Abate Daga, M. Alessandria, M. Ponzano, M. Gollin. Effects of multilateral exercises on motor skills in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2017; 23: (S3) 680–975 (pubblished abstracts of the 7th ECTRISM-ACTRISM meeting)
Fulcheri C, Bialetti P, Rabbia F, Schiavone D, Magnino C, Abate Daga F, Gollin M, Veglio F. Trisomy of the Short Arm of Chromosome 12 Associated with High Cardiovascular Risk: A Case Report. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention: february 2019.
Resistance Training in Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal Study
Objective: The objective of this study was to verify the effect of micro-loads and
elastic bands exercise program in a group of patients with Parkinson's disease
(PD). Methods: Twenty-one people with PD, participated in this study. All participants
were able to walk unassisted, and their disability score using the Hoehn
& Yahr scale was 2 ± 0.5. Subjects were randomly assigned to micro-loads group
(11 subjects, age 69 ± 10 years; weight 72 ± 12 kg, height 171 ± 7 cm) or to elastic
band group (9 subjects, age 70 ± 11 years; weight 69 ± 15 kg and high 169 ± 9
cm). Both groups performed two sessions of physical activity per week during a
period of 5 months. Subjects were evaluated on flexibility with sit and reach test;
the body balance with stabilometric platform, useful to evaluate the center of
pressure (COP); the Spinal Mouse® to assess the column shape and the sit to
stand test to measure the strength performance of lower limbs. Tests were three
times during the training period: after the first and the third month of physical
activity and at the end of the training period. Results: Data showed a statistically
significant variation in the sit to stand test in the EG group (T0 vs T2; Anova, p <
0.001, post hoc, p < 0.01, +19%). Conclusion: Both micro-loads and elastic
band exercises were well-tolerated. Elastic bands exercises produced a significant
improvement in the lower limbs muscles performance.
Benefits of Static Stretching, Pliates® and Elastic Bands Resistance Training on
Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Longitudinal Study
Objective: To compare the effects of Pilates®, a 30 s static stretching protocol and elastic bands resistance
training on lower and hand-grip strength, rachis morphology, flexibility and body balance among RRMS patients.
Methods: Twenty-two subjects affected by relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS, EDSS ≤ 6) were
randomly divided into 3 groups whose members each performed 16 weeks of training. Stabilometry, rachis
morphology, sit and reach, handgrip and sit to stand tests were performed three times: T0, after a month of learning
training protocols; T1, after eight weeks of training; and T2, after sixteen weeks of training.
Results: Static stretching group. Spinal Mouse (inclination line between ThSp1 and S1 from a standing position):
T0 vs. T2, -55%; Sit and Reach test: T0 vs. T2, +15%. Pilates group. Sit and Reach test: T0 vs. T2, +15%; Sit to
Stand test: T0 vs. T2, +31%. Elastic group. Stabilometry with eyes open: T0 vs. T1, -51%; stabilometry with eyes
closed: T0 vs. T1, -52%; sit to stand test: T0 vs. T2, +39%.
Conclusion: Static stretching, Pilates and resistance training are useful to increase the autonomy in the daily life
of people with MS thanks to the adoption of these three different training methods.
Effects of physical training on multiple sclerosis patients: a longitudinal study.
Aim: The investigation of the effects of a 30 seconds static stretching protocol, Pilates® and resistance training with elastic bands on muscle strength, rachis morphology, flexibility and body balance among RRMS patients. Methods: Twenty-two subjects with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS, EDSS ≤ 6) were randomly divided into 3 groups (8, 7, 7 subjects) and performed 16 weeks of training as follows. Static Stretching group: 2 sessions/week, 3 sets of 30 seconds for each exercise. Elastic group: 2 resistance training sessions/week, 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Pilates® group: 2 sessions/ week, 2 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise. Stabilometry, rachis morphology, sit and reach, and sit to stand tests were executed three times: T0, after a month of learning training protocols, to identify the initial situation; T1, two months after T0, to evaluate the effects brought about by the first eight weeks of training; T2, two months after T1, to evaluate the effects brought about by sixteen weeks of training. Results: Static Stretching group. Spinal Mouse® (inclination line between ThSp1 and S1 from a standing position): T0 vs T2, -55%, ES = 0.67; Sit and Reach test: T0 vs T2, +15%, ES = 0.36. Elastic group. Stabilometry with eyes open: T0 vs T1, -51%, ES = 0.52; stabilometry with eyes closed: T0 vs T1, -52%, ES = 1.69; sit to stand test: T0 vs T2, +39%, ES = 1.83. Pilates group. Sit and Reach test: T0 vs T2, +15%, ES = 0.4; Sit to Stand test: T0 vs T2, +31%, ES = 1.21. Conclusions: Static stretching, Pilates® and resistance training are believed valid to improve the motor control of the rachis, body flexibility and the performance in the Sit to Stand test. Hence, it is possible to hypothesize an increment in autonomy in the daily life of people affected by RRMS brought about by this three protocols.
Effects of multilateral exercises on motor skills in multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of adapted physical activities with micro-loads, elastic bands and balance exercises compared with the Pilates® method on muscle strength, flexibility and body balance in Multiple Sclerosis patients. Methods: Eighteen people with Multiple Sclerosis participated in this study. Subjects were randomly assigned to a Multiple Neuromuscular Stimulation Group (10 participants, age 69±10 years; weight 72±12 kg, height 171±7 cm, EDSS 5±2) or to Pilates Group (8 participants, age 70±11 years; weight 69±15 kg and height 169±9 cm, EDSS 3±1). Both groups performed two sessions of physical activity per week during a period of 5 months. Sit and Reach, Sit to Stand, Saliva Antioxidant, Stabilometry were evaluated three times: after the first (T0) and the third (T1) month of physical activity and at the end (T2) of the training period. Results: The ANOVA and post hoc tests showed statistically significant variations. MNS group: Sit to Stand test: T0 vs T2, +13%, ES = 0.59; average COP X: T0 vs T1, -97%, ES = 0.94; COP distance: T0 vs T2, -32%, ES = 1.31; Average speed: T0 vs T2, -32%, ES = 1.31; Distance/Surface: T0 vs T1, -55%, ES = 0.86, T0 vs T2, -53%, ES = 0.83. Pilates group: Sit and Reach test: T0 vs T2, +12%, ES = 0.26; Standard Deviation X: T0 vs T2, -50%, ES = 0.66; COP distance: T0 vs T2, -70%, ES = 0.84; Average speed: T0 vs T2, -44%, ES = 2.09; Body Barycentre Ellipse surface: T0 vs T2, -45%, ES = 0.51. Conclusions: Both Multiple Neuromuscular Stimulation and Pilates® exercises were well-tolerated. MNS and Pilates® improve muscle performance, flexibility and body control. Therefore, it is possible to suppose that these combined protocols could be useful to maintain physical capacity and increase the quality of life of patients with MS.
Trisomy of the Short Arm of Chromosome 12 Associated with High Cardiovascular Risk: A Case Report. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular PreventionTrisomy of the short arm of chromosome 12 is a rare genetic disease characterised by dysmorphic features, mental retardation, behavioural disorders, seizures predisposition and other congenital abnormalities. Arterial hypertension is not a characteristic
feature of 12p trisomy, although congenital heart defects are reported. In this case report, we present a young patient with incomplete trisomy 12p, analysing some characteristics of this disease that have not been previously described in literature.
Manipulation of playing field's length/width ratio and neutral players' positioning: activity profile and motor behavior demands during positional possession soccer small sided games in young elite soccer players
Abstract The aim of this study was to examinate the impact of changes in pitch length/width ratio and floaters' orientation on physical conditioning and motor behavior demand of positional possession small-sided games (SSGs) in young élite soccer players. .22 young male élite players belonging to Torino FC U15 participated in the study (mean+/-S.D.; age 14+/-1 years, height 168+/-8 cm, weight 56 +/-8 kg, experience in soccer ≥ 5 years ).Participants were divised into two groups (A and B) composed by 11 footballer. All players participated in 4 vs 4 + 3 floaters small sided games on two different pitch format with opposite length/width ratio (Large: 25 x 35 m; Long: 35 x 25 m) and two different floater players' positioning (Vertical: floaters attacking depth. Orizontal: floaters attacking width). Floaters played always with the team possessing the ball. Considering this, 4 game format were setted: Large-Vertical (LA-V), Large-Orizontal (LA-O), Long-Vertical (LO-V), Long-Orizontal (LO-O). Both group A and group B performed 4 matches per 3 minutes of game play (one on each format), interspersed by 3 min of passive recovery, in which technical advices were given by the coach. Physical and motor behavior demand were monitored using portable GPS (GPSports, SPI HPU, Canberra, Australia). A significative difference (p < 0,001) were found between Large and Long length/width ratio in motor behavior variables (Mooving Large vs Mooving Deep), between the format Vertical and Orizontal (p < 0,001) in the variable Mooving Large and between players and floaters in all the analized variables (D/min, ED/min, % of time at high speed running (%THS); % of time at high acceleration (%THA); > 2 m·s2,% of time at high deceleration (%THD) < −2 m·s2, Metabolic Power ;% of time at high power (%THP) > 20 W·kg-1) ( p< 0,05). These results point out the physical and motor behavior demand in ball possession small sided games (SSGs). Furthermore, the different physical tasks required by various pitch formats play positions were enlightened. This information can help coaches to set up training session based on small sided games (SSGs).
Prevention and Performance in Soccer: differences between kicking and supporting limb in soccer school children
Backgroung: Physical features assessment is considered a necessary process to set appropriate training schedules for young players and to prevent injuries (Nikolaidis, 2010). Hamstring damages are one of the most common injuries in football. For this reason, coaching staff are always applying to find new ways to warn this kind of muscle injury. Aim: Considering this, the aim of this study consist in identify and set a preventive screening protocol comparing kicking versus supporting limb parameters in a group of children playing football. Methods: 20 children (8 ± 2 years, 31 ± 9 kg, 132 ± 10 cm), belonging to a local soccer school were recruited for this study. All their parents approved the attendance at this study by signing an informed consent. Children were tested using Gwalk (BTS S.p.A., Italy) to analyse the gait cycle while baropdometry and stabilometry were investigated using P-Walk balance board (BTS S.p.A., Italy). In addition the Spinal Mouse® (Idiag, Volketswil, Switzerland) and a digital goniometer (GetMyRom for Iphone 5s, USA) were used to evaluate respectively the spine morphology and the hip joint mobility. Results: Results show a significant difference in the evaluation of hip joint mobility between kicking and supporting limb (p<0.05, 5%), while other trials did not show any significant difference. Discussion and Conclusion: Data showsthat playing soccer can enhance joint mobility differences between the kincking and supporting limbs since childhood. Considering that mobility and strenght discrepancy between the limbs increase the risk of muscolar injuries (Knapik et al 1991) it is reccomended to propose training programs aible to minimize joint mobility differences between legs
Game-based vs open-skill mulitaleral training: effects of a 12-week program on motor skill acquisition and physical fitness development in soccer school children
Purpose: The importance of motor skill acquisition, physical development and health-related fitness of children has been significantly noted. (William et al, 2008). Nowadays, sport disciplines are extremely focused in young athlete development to improve performance levels and to identify future talent (Huijgen et al. 2009). This study investigates the effects of a 12-week-game-based training on motor skills acquisition compared with a traditional open-skill multilateral schedule. Methods: 31 children (8 ± 1 years, 29 ± 4 kg, 134 ± 5 cm, 16 ± 2 of BMI, 2±1 Years of Practice) belonging to a professional soccer academy were recruited for this study. All their parents approved the attendance at this study by signing an informed consent. Children were randomly arranged into one of the two experimental groups, trained for 12 weeks and tested on shuttle dribble test and 10x5 shuttle test using a pair of photocells (Witty, Microgate, Bolzano, Italy). Results: Both Game-Based Group (G-BG) and Open-Skill Group (O-SG) improved significantly in shuttle dribble test (G-BG -19%, p=0,001; O-SG -14% p=0,0037) and shuttle run test (G-BG -6%, p=0,0021; O-SG -4% p=0,0047) No difference was found between the groups at the end of the study. Conclusion: Data shows that both game-based training and an open-skill multilateral schedule can provide improvements in children motor skills acquisition and fitness development. Considering this, it might be possible to advice trainers to focus on both technical and fitness abilities to ensure a complete coordinative and physical development.
Abate Daga F, Beratto L, Alessandria M, Allois R, Ponzano M, Gollin M. PREVENTION IN SOCCER: A STUDY ON THE VARIANCES BETWEEN KICKING AND SUPPORTING LEGS AT A YOUTH SOCCER ACADEMY. XXVII Isokinetic Medical Group Conference. Football Medicine Outcomes. Poster Session. Barcelona, Spain 2-4 June 2018
Abate Daga F, Beratto L, Golfieri M, Gollin M. Game-based vs open-skill mulitaleral training: effects of a 12-week program on motor skill acquisition and physical fitness development in soccer school children. SISMES National Congress- Oral Presentation. October 2018 Messina, Italy
Dottorato di Fisiopatologia Medica - 2 febbraio , aula Lenti (Cso Dogliotti piano 1°), ore 8.30
Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze della Vita e della Salute. D-Day 2017. Torino 19 Settembre 2017 , Via Nizza 52 ore 9:30
Dottorato di Fisiopatologia Medica - novembre 2018 , aula Medicina Interna (Via Genova 3), ore 8.00 First Year final report presentation
Biotekna. Corso Base, applicativo e pratico con integrazione strumentale BIA-ACC e PPG Stress Flow. Marcon (Venezia) 1-2 Dicembre 2017.
Biotekna. Human Body Composition. Giornata di studio dalle basi allo stato dell'arte. Mestre (Venezia) 8 Settembre 2018.
Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze della Vita e della Salute. D-Day 2018. Torino 13 Settembre 2018, Via Nizza 52 ore 9:30
Biotekna. Human Body Composition. Composizione Corporea e il Sistema Nervoso Autonomo: dalla performancce e salute ai sintomi vaghi e malattie. Milano 27 ottobre 2018.
Dottorato di Fisiopatologia Medica - 19 novembre , aula Medicina Interna (Via Genova 3), ore 8.00 Second Year final report presentation
Inducible Pluripotent Stem Cells(iPS): new strategies for regenerative medicine-Prof. Giovanni Camussi 17/05/2017
Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy- Prof. Massimo Porta 24/05/2017
Therapeutic strategies for liver transplant -Prof. Renato Romagnoli 24/05/2017
Extracellular vesicles as mediators of cell-to cell communication-Prof Giovanni Camussi 07/06/2017
How to write a scientific paper -Prof. Riccarda Granata 07/06/2017
Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy 2- Prof. Massimo Porta 28/06/2017
Scientific presentations Prof.ssa Benedetta Bussolati 06/09/2017 Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: practical implications - Prof Francesco Giuseppe De Rosa 06/09/2017 Update on physiology of hypertension - Prof Franco Veglio 13/09/2017 Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: practical implications - Prof Francesco Giuseppe De Rosa 13/09/2017 Update on physiology of hypertension - Prof. Franco Veglio 20/09/2017 Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: a microbiological point of view Prof.ssa Rossana Cavallo 27/09/2017 Scientific presentations (practical) Prof.ssa Benedetta Bussolati 27/09/2017 Bio-Statistic Lesson 1 12/03/2018 Bio-Statistic Lesson 2 13/03/2018 Bio-Statistic Pratical Lesson 16/03/2018 Scientific English 15/03/2018 - 19/07/2018 (day of attendance: thursday) Essential Hypertension : Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment- Prof Franco Veglio 28/06/2018