Simone Cuomo
- Dottorato: 36° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 742474

Attività di ricerca
- Projects
- Published and submitted papers
- Abstracts & conference proceedings
- Conferences and Seminars
- PhD training course and complementary training
- Public engagement
- Co-supervisor of Master’s and Bachelor’s degree thesis
- Stays abroad
- Member of Scientific Societies
- Invited lectures at University
Active lifestyle and evidence-based physical exercise for a healthy prevention strategy: Assessment of effectiveness in cohort of subjects affected or not by exercise-sensitive chronic diseases
- Mulasso, A., Micheletti Cremasco, M., Cuomo, S., Testa, A., Lattke, L. S., De Lorenzo, A., Rainoldi, A., & Rabaglietti, E. (2023). "Stay at Home" during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects on physical activity and sedentary behavior in an Italian academic community. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1168.
- Frau, J., Mulasso, A., Coghe, G., Melis, M., Beratto, L., Cuomo, S., Lorefice, L., Fenu, G., & Cocco, E. (2023). Multidimensional frailty and its association with quality of life and disability: A cross-sectional study in people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 79, 105036.
- Cusato, J., Mulasso, A., Ferrara, M., Manca, A., Antonucci, M., Accardo, G., Palermiti, A., Bianco, G., Chiara, F., Mula, J., Maddalone, M. G., Tettoni, M. C., Cuomo, S., Trevisan, G., Bonora, S., Di Perri, G., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A., & D'Avolio, A. (2024). Studying the changes in physical functioning and oxidative stress-related molecules in people living with HIV after switching from triple to dual therapy. Antioxidants (Basel), 13(5), 518.
- Cuomo, S., Brustio, P. R., Mulasso, A., Beratto, L., & Rainoldi, A. (2024). High-intensity interval training during cancer prehabilitation may improve cardiorespiratory fitness: A meta-analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication to Supportive Care in Cancer.
- Mulasso, A., Cuomo, S., Beccuti, G., Gatto, F., Saccaro, S., Lupo, C., Belcastro, S., Broglio, F., Rabaglietti, E., Rainoldi, A., & Benso, A. (2024). Barriers to physical activity and associated factors in adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The influence on quality of life. Manuscript submitted for publication to Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
- Cuomo, S., Norris, M., Dieli-Conwright, C.M. (2024). Impact of a 16-week multimodal exercise intervention on frailty in older adult cancer survivors. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XV National Conference, Chieti, Italia (Abstract submitted).
- Mulasso, A., Cuomo, S., Beratto, L., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A., Benso, A. (2024). Barriers to physical activity, active lifestyles and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study among adults aged 50-74 years with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XV National Conference, Chieti, Italia (Abstract submitted).
- Cuomo, S., Wilson, R.L., Gonzalo-Encabo, P., Kang, D.W., Christopher, C.N., Norris, M., Dieli-Conwright, C.M. (2024). Impact of a 16-Week Multimodal Exercise Intervention on Sarcopenia in Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer Survivors. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, May 28-31, 2024, Boston, MA, USA (Poster format).
- Gonzalo-Encabo, P., Wilson, R.L., Kang, D.W., Christopher, C.N., Normann, A.J, Cuomo, S., Ficarra, S., Norris, M., & Dieli-Conwright, C.M. (2024). Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome in Breast Cancer Survivors: 5-year follow-up to a randomized controlled trial. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, May 28-31, 2024, Boston, MA, USA (Poster format).
- Normann, A.J., Wilson, R.L., Christopher, C.N., Norris, M., Cuomo, S., Dieli-Conwright, C.M. (2024). Reducing cardiovascular disease risk in cancer survivors: Impact of a 16 week circuit-based interval exercise intervention. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), National Conference, April, 5-10, 2024, San Diego, CA, USA (Poster format).
- Cuomo, S., Wilson, R.L., Gonzalo-Encabo, P., Kang, D.W., Christopher, C.N., Norris, M., Dieli-Conwright, C.M. (2024). Impact of a 16-Week Multimodal Exercise Intervention on Sarcopenia in Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancer Survivors. Dana-Farber/ Harvard Cancer Ceneter (DF/HCC) Celebration of Early Career Investigators in Cancer Research, January 31, 2024, Boston, MA, USA (Poster format).
- Cuomo., S., Mulasso, A., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A., Brustio P.R. (2023). High-Intensity Interval Training versus Usual Care during Cancer Prehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the Impact on Cardiorespiratory Fitness. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XIV National Conference, November 2-4, 2023, Napoli, Italia (Poster format).
- Beratto, L., Cuomo, S., Turiano, E., Truglio, S., Guglierminotti, F., Mulasso, A. (2023). A pilot study in people with multiple sclerosis: frailty in relation to physical functioning , fatigue and quality of life. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XIV National Conference, November 2-4, 2023, Napoli, Italia (Conference proceeding).
- Mulasso, A., Cusato, J., Cuomo, S., Laspia, S., Mercadante B., Turaino, E., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A., D’Avolio, A. (2023). A multidisciplinary pilot study in people with HIV who switched from triple to dual therapy: influence on physical capacities, lifestyle and oxidative stress. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XIV National Conference, November 2-4, 2023, Napoli, Italia (Conference proceedings).
- Cusato, J., Mulasso, A., Ferrara, M., Accardo, G., Palermiti, A., Manca, A. A., Antonucci, M., Bianco, G., Maiese, D., Chiara, F., Mula, J., De Vivo, E. D., Maddalone, M. G., Tettoni, M. C., Cuomo, S., Marinaro, L., Bonora, S., Di Perri, G., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A., D’Avolio, A. (2023). Physical activity, oxidative stress and antiretroviral therapy in people with HIV switched from triple to dual therapy: a multidisciplinary pilot study. Italian Conference on AIDS and Antiviral Research. 14-16 June 2023, Bari, Italy (Poster format).
-Mulasso, A., Cuomo, S., Gatto, F., Saccaro, S., Rabaglietti, E., Broglio, F., Rainoldi, A., Benso, A. (2022). Exploring physical activity levels and barriers to physical activity among adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), Sport Sciences for Health, XIII National Conference SISMES, 4-6 November 2022, Milan, Italy. (Poster format).
- Cuomo, S., Mulasso, A., Lupo, C., Rainoldi, A. (2022). Exercise during prehabilitation in Breast Cancer: a preliminary review. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XIII National Conference SISMES. 4-6 November 2022, Milan, Italy (Poster format).
- Mulasso, A., Cuomo S., Micene, G., Bertolusso, R., Rabaglietti, E., Rainoldi, A., Marinaro, L.. (2021) Healthy Lifestyle Index, frailty and quality of life: results of a survey conducted on over 60 population at the time of COVID. Academy of medicine of Turin Journal. Healthy Ageing Week. Ferrero Foundation. 8-13 November 2021, Alba, Italy (Conference proceeding).
- Mulasso, A., Cuomo, S., Boccia, G., Degan, R., Moroni A., Micheletti, Cremasco, M., Rainoldi, A. (2021) What are the factors associated with physical capacities in adult employees? Preliminary results of the project Wellness@Work for UniTO. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), Sport Sciences for Health, XII National Conference SISMES. 8-10 October 2021, Padova, Italia (Conference proceeding).
- Boccia, G., Mulasso, A., Cuomo, S., Brustio, P., Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A., Rainoldi, A. Time-efficient, space-saving, and interactive platform to assess physical capacities in adult employees.Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), Sport Sciences for Health, XII National Conference SISMES. 8-10 October 2021, Padova, Italia (Conference proceeding).
- Cuomo, S., Mulasso, A., Boccia, G., Agostino S., Rainoldi A., Influence of grip strength and age on manual dexterity in adult women. Italian Society Motor and Sport Science (SISMES), XII National Conference SISMES. 8-10 October 2021, Padova, Italia (Poster format).
- Rabaglietti, E., Cuomo, S., Gallino, A., Beraudi M., Bertolusso R., Marinaro, L., Micene, G., Rainoldi, A., Mulasso A., Relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and psychological well-being during COVID-19: A survey on over 60 population. Italian Society of aging psychology (SIPI), XIV National Conference on the psychology of aging, May 29 2021 online (Poster format).
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, May 28-31, 2024, Boston, MA, USA
- Planning meeting for an International society in Exercise Oncology (ISEO), May 28, 2024, Boston, MA, USA
- Canottaggio terapia integrata (Seminar valid for ECM credits) – Aspetto Motorio – Italian Rowing Federation – February 3, 2023, Turin, Italy [Oral Presentation]
- Società Italiana di Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES), XIII National Conference SISMES, 4-6 November, 2022, Milan, Italy.
- Invecchiamento sano e attivo, dalla ricerca alle prospettive di cura: risultati dell,Aging Project UPO. September 29, 2022, Novara, Italy
- Esercizio fisico e oncologia: Esperienze pratiche di gestione di programmi di esercizio fisico mirati – Revisione della letteratura: Aprroccio all’esercizio fisico per soggetti che iniziano il percorso oncologico – Associazione Italiana Specialisti dell’Esericizio Fisico (AISE), May 7, 2022, online [Oral Presentation]
- Healthy Ageing Week. Ferrero Foundation. 8-13 November, 2021, Alba, Italy
- Società Italiana di Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES), XII National Conference SISMES. 8-10 October, 2021, Padova, Italia
- 1st Italian conference “Exercise in Cancer: Adapted physical activities in people with oncological pathologies”. Società Italiana di Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES), September 11, 2021
- Hot topics in Nutrition: A comparison of the Blue Zone Diet and Cancer Survivorship Nutrition – Dana Farber Cancer Institute – Dr.ssa Julie Bosworth – 30.01.2024, Boston, MA, USA
- Neuro-Oncology Wellness Program Educational Webinars: Exercise for Brain Cancer Patient - Dana Farber Cancer Institute – Dr. Luis Nicolas Gonzalez Castro – 27.09.2023 & 11.10.2023
- Good Clinical Practice Course – GCP for Clinical Research - The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI program), 05.10.2023, Boston, MA, USA
- Good Clinical Practice Course – GCP for Social/Behavioral Research - The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI program), 05.10.2023, Boston, MA, USA
- Good Clinical Practice Course – Biomedical and Social/Behavioral Research Combined HSP - The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI program), 06.10.2023, Boston, MA, USA
- Training course "Therapeutic strategies for liver transplant” – Prof. Renato Romagnoli - 08.06.2023
- Training course "Cardiac electric physiopathological proprieties” – Prof. Gaetano De Ferrari - 08.06.2023
- Training course "Biology and Diagnosis of SARS Cov2” – Prof. Cristina Costa - 06.06.2023
- Workshop on Bibliographic Research 2022/2023 - Natural Sciences Hub - January 17-25, February 1-6-22, 2023
- Training course “Cancer Survivors: pathophysiology of late-effects and challenges in their management.” - Prof.ssa Arvat/ Dott. Felicetti - 20.09.2022
- Training course "Precision medicine in oncology: Putting drivers and targets in context.” – Prof. Livio Trusolino - 14.09.2022
- Training course “Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy” – Prof. Massimo Porta - 28.09-2021
- Training course "Scientific presentations” – Prof. Benedetta Bussolati- 27.09.2021
- Training course "Regression models: from the linear model to the generalized linear models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors” – Prof. Milena Maule - 23.09.2021
- Training course "Impact of the metabolic syndrome on the digestive tract” – Prof. Elisabetta Bugianesi - 14.09.2021
- Training course “Targets for functional imaging in medicine” Prof. Desireè Deandreis - 13.09.2021
- Training course "Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficients uncertainty measures and hypothesis testing” – Prof. Milena Maule - 29.07.2021
- Doctoral Day. 19.03.2021. Webex meeting
Academic Writing and Presentation Skills Language Course @CLA Unito March-May 2022
- Training course "Precision medicine in oncology: Putting drivers and targets in context." 14.09.2022
- Training course "Cancer survivors: pathophysiology of late-effects and challenges in their management." 20.09.2022
- Training course "Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy." 28.09.2021
- Training course “Scientific presentations” 27.09.2021
- Training course "Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear
models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors." 23.09.2021
- Training course "Impact of the metabolic syndrome on the digestive tract." 14.09.2021
- Training course "Targets for functional imaging in medicine". 13.09.2021
- Training course “Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficents
uncertainty measures and hypothesis testing.” 29.07.2021
- Doctoral Day, March 19th 2021, Webex Meeting
- UNITO Doctoral School – Complementary training - The research ecosystem and its evaluation 22.09.2021. Online
- UNITO Doctoral School – Complementary training - How to write a scientific paper. 29.09.2021. Online
- UNITO Doctoral School – Complementary training - How to make the most out of your scientific paper. 30.09.2021. Online
- General training course for Workers on safety. 15.09.2021. Online
- Nature Masterclasses “Writing a Research Paper – Scientific Writing and Publishing”
- Nature Masterclasses “Advancing your scientific presentation”
- ISPAS Project – “Open Sciences A to Z” 17-18-19.01.2022
- ISPAS Project – “FAIR Data Basics” 16 – 17 – 18.02.2022
- UNITO Doctoral School – Complementary training - Basics of Project Writing – 10.06.2021 Online
- UNITO Doctoral School – Complementary training - Open Science and F.A.I.R. Data. 19.09.2021. Online
- European researcher’s nights 2023 – PhD talks: viaggio nelle connessioni della ricerca UniTO & PoliTO per UNINIGHT – September 30, 2023, Turin, Italy. 30 total hours – 18 hours of planning and 12 hours of operations
- Associazione Italiana Dottorandi Italiani (ADI) – Cervelli in città – “Physical activity: an ally in the cancer journey” 27 March, 2023, Turin, Italy – [Oral Presentation]
- Just The Woman I Am (JTWIA) 2023 – Physical fitness assessment test – 3/4 March, 2023, Turin, Italy
- Just The Woman I Am (JTWIA) 2022 – Intervenire con l’esercizio fisico nella prevenzione dei tumori: evidenze scientifiche e prospettive future – March 06, 2022, Turin, Italy – [Oral Presentation]
- Just The Woman I Am (JTWIA) 2022 – Physical fitness assessment test – 4/5/6 March, 2023, Turin, Italy
- Intervenire con l'esercizio fisico nella prevenzione dei tumori: evidenze scientifiche e prospettive future - Just the Woman I Am 06.03.2022
- Co-Supervisor of the Master’s Degree Thesis “Relationship between physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and psychological well being at the time of COVID-19 in the over 60 population”
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Anna Mulasso
Co-supervisor: Simone Cuomo PhD student
Graduate Student: Alessia Gallino
- Co-Supervisor of the Master’s Degree Thesis “Relationship between physical activity and health in a sample of elderly women during COVID-19”
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Anna Mulasso
Co-supervisor: Simone Cuomo PhD student
Graduate Student: Cecilia Odasso
- Co-Supervisor of the Master’s Degree Thesis “ The fine motor skills in the adult population: the influence of age and hand strength”
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Anna Mulasso
Co-supervisor: Simone Cuomo PhD student
Graduate Student: Stefano Perniola
- Co-Supervisor of the Master’s Degree Thesis “Wellness@Work for UniTO Project: the effects of a motor coaching intervention on the physical abilities of university staff ”
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Anna Mulasso
Co-supervisor: Simone Cuomo PhD student
Graduate Student: Elena Turiano
- Co-Supervisor of the Bachelor’s Degree Thesis “Effects of Strength training in combat sports athletes”
Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Brustio
Co-supervisor: Simone Cuomo PhD student
Graduate Student: Francesco Raso
From September 2023 to June 2024, I served as a PhD visiting student at Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in the Dieli-Conwright Lab, under the supervision of Prof. Christina Dieli-Conwright. The lab's research is grounded in clinical exercise physiology and specifically explores the mechanisms through which post-diagnosis exercise can influence cancer outcomes. This investigation focuses on biomarkers associated with body composition, inflammation, metabolic dysregulation, and cognition. The approach involves conducting randomized controlled trials to assess the efficacy of various types of prescribed exercise interventions in improving cancer outcomes across diverse age, racial and ethnic groups.
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
- University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences – Elective Educational Activities 2023/2024 – Lifestyle: Physical Activity and Diet as tools for prevention and care – “Exercise in Cancer Patients: Implementing Clinical Trials and Pratical Implication” March 15, 2024
- University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences – Elective Educational Activities 2022/2023 – Lifestyle: Physical Activity and Diet as tools for prevention and care – “Active life-style in Cancer Patients” March 17, 2023
- University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences – Elective Educational Activities 2022/2023 – Lifestyle: Physical Activity and Diet as tools for prevention and care – “Physical Activities in Chronic diseases prevention” March 10, 2023
- University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences - Master’s degree program in Sciences and Techniques of adaptative physical activities (LM67) – Adaptative Physical activities Course – “Physical Exercise acroos cancer continuum” May 24, 2022 & May 9, 2023 [School years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023]