Dott. Alexandru Nicolae Ungureanu
- Dottorato: 35° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 755574
Attività di ricerca
An artificial neural network approach to pinpoint performance and training load in team sports. (PhD Project)
To elicit peak performance in sports, training programs should be carefully developed to produce the desired physiological adaptations. In particular, the physical internal training load (ITL) is one of the parameters that is controlled to elicit the desiderate workout response and to avoid injuries. Along with ITL, external training load (ETL) is a crucial component of athletic performance, especially during jumps and plyometric actions in general. During training and competition in volleyball, players who perform a large number of plyometric actions result in a decrease in neuromuscular power performance during jumps because the acute skeletal muscle fatigue. Considering that technical and tactical performance in volleyball, as well as the players' wellbeing could be affected by both the internal and external training load, they can be used as the primary outcome when monitoring athletes' wellbeing and technical and tactical performance.
Ungureanu, Alexandru N., Corrado Lupo, and Paolo R. Brustio. (2022). Padel Match Analysis: Notational and Time-Motion Analysis during Official Italian Sub-Elite Competitions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), 8386.
Lupo, C., Boccia, G., Ungureanu, A. N., Mulasso, A., De Pasquale, P., Mancini, A., ... & Brustio, P. R. (2022). The Cut-Off Value for Classifying Active Italian Children Using the Corresponding National Version of the Physical Activity Questionnaire. Sports, 10(4), 61.
Ungureanu, A., Beratto, L., Daga, F. A., Boccia, G., Lupo, C., & Brustio, P. R. (2022). Changes in anthropometric and fitness profile of Italian regional academy rugby union players. Biology of Sport, 39(3), 621-628.
Brustio, P. R., Boccia, G., De Pasquale, P., Lupo, C., & Ungureanu, A. N. (2021). Small Relative Age Effect Appears in Professional Female Italian Team Sports. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 385.
Ungureanu, A. N., Lupo, C., & Brustio, P. R. (2021). A machine learning approach to analyze home advantage during COVID-19 pandemic period with regards to margin of victory and to different tournaments in professional rugby union competitions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12711.
Ungureanu, A. N., Lupo, C., Boccia, G., & Brustio, P. R. (2021). Internal Training Load Affects Day-After-Pretraining Perceived Fatigue in Female Volleyball Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1(aop), 1-7.
Ungureanu, A. N., Brustio, P. R., Boccia, G., Rainoldi, A., & Lupo, C. (2020). Effects of pre-session well-being perception on internal training load in female volleyball players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, in press.
Ungureanu, A. N., Brustio, P. R., & Lupo, C. (2020). Technical and tactical effectiveness is related to time-motion performance in elite rugby. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A. N., Boccia, G., Licciardi, A., Rainoldi, A., & Brustio, P. R. (2020). Internal Training Load Monitoring, Notational and Time Motion Analyses, Psychometric Status, and Neuromuscular Responses in Elite Rugby Union. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, in press.
Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A. N., & Brustio, P. R. (2020). Session-RPE is a valuable internal loading evaluation method in beach volleyball for both genders, elite and amateur players, conditioning and technical sessions, but limited for tactical training and games. Kinesiology, 52(1), 30-38.
Brustio, P. R., Boccia, G., Ungureanu, A. N., & Lupo, C. (2020). Training sessions with tackles impair upper-limb neuromuscular function in elite rugby union. Biology of Sport, 37(4), 415.
Lupo, C., Boccia, G., Ungureanu, A. N., Frati, R., Marocco, R., & Brustio, P. R. (2019). The beginning of senior career in team sport is affected by relative age effect. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1465.
Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A. N., De Pasquale, P., & Brustio, P. R. (2019). Performance analysis of elite lifesavers during competition: effects related to gender, turn of competition, and age category. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 19(5), 845-855.
Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A. N., Varalda, M., & Brustio, P. R. (2019). Running technique is more effective than soccer-specific training for improving the sprint and agility performances with ball possession of prepubescent soccer players. Biology of Sport, 36(3), 249.
Brustio, P. R., Kearney, P. E., Lupo, C., Ungureanu, A. N., Mulasso, A., Rainoldi, A., & Boccia, G. (2019). Relative age influences performance of world-class track and field athletes even in the adulthood. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Ungureanu, A. N., Brustio, P. R., Mattina, L., & Lupo, C. (2019). “How” is more important than “how much” for game possession in elite northern hemisphere rugby union. Biology of Sport, 36(3), 265.
Ungureanu, A. N., Condello, G., Pistore, S., Conte, D., & Lupo, C. (2019). Technical and tactical aspects in Italian youth rugby union in relation to different academies, regional tournaments, and outcomes. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33(6), 1557-1569.
Ungureanu, Alexandru Nicolae, et al. "Home advantage is influenced by the timing of the events during rugby union domestic competition." Oral presentation @ XII Congresso Nazionale della Società delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) 2021
Ungureanu, Alexandru Nicolae, et al. "The relative age effect among elite female Italian volleyball, basketball, and soccer players." Poster @ XII Congresso Nazionale della Società delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) 2021
9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference. Virtual Event 30-31.08.2021
Academic Writing and Presentation Skills Language Course @CLA Unito October-December 2021
Scientific and complementary training 2019-2022
Training course "Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: practical implications." 21.07.2022
Training course "Therapeutic strategies for liver transplant " 22.06.2022
Training course "Biology and Diagnosis of SARS CoV2." 9.06.2022
Training course "Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy." 28.09.2021
Training course "Clinical trials in oncology: Failures and successes." 27.09.2021
Training course "Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors." 23.09.2021
Training course "Impact of the metabolic syndrome on the digestive tract." 14.09.2021
Training course "Targets for functional imaging in medicine". 13.09.2021
Training course "Monogenic forms of hypertension." 08.09.2021
Training course "Precision medicine in oncology." 06.09.2021
Training course "SGLT2-i in diabetesand beyond." 02.09.2021
Training course "Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy." 30.08.2021
Training course "Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficients, uncertainty measures and hypothesis testing. Milena Maule". 29.07.2021
Training course "Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: a microbiological point of view. Rossana Cavallo". 28.07.2021
Doctoral Day, March 19th 2021, Webex Meeting
Introduction to public engagement. 29.10.2020
Open Science: la scienza fatta bene. 19.10.2020
Training course "Open Science and FAIR Data". 21-24-28-30.09.2020
Training course “Authors Workshop”. 8-15.07.2020
Webinar "The Research Ecosystem and Its Evaluation". 23.06.2020
Training course "Bibliography and bibliometric lik pros" (II edition, December 2019). 9-11-13.12.2019
Workshop sulla Ricerca Bibliografica (Servizi Bibliotecari, Polo Scienze della Natura). 27.11.2019
Doctoral Day, November 11st 2019, Turin (Italy)