Vai al contenuto principale

Dott.ssa Alessia Dalmasso

Attività di ricerca


Approaches to scientific reasearch
- Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficients, uncertainty
measures and hypothesis testing; Milena Maule
- Scientific presentations Benedetta Bussolati
- How to write a scientific paper - Riccarda Granata
- How to set up an in vivo experimental model - Stefania Bruno
- Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear models.
Interpretation of interactions between predictors. - Milena Maule 

Pathophysiological basis of diseases 
- Etiopathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy - Massimo Porta
- Physiopathology of diabetic nephropathy - Gabriella Gruden
- Update on physiology of hypertension - Franco Veglio
- Physiopathology of autoimmune hepatitis - Marilena Durazzo

Pathophysiological basis of diseases and translational application of research
- Pathophysiological basis of diabetic nephropathy - Gabriella Gruden
- Pathophysiological and biomarker pathways of cardiovascular emergencies and translational application - Fulvio Morello
- Dietary salt: from physiology to disease - Silvia Monticone
- Cardiac electric physiopathological properties - Gaetano De Ferrari
- Alteration of intestinal microbioma as organ insufficiency: translational implications - Francesco Giuseppe De Rosa
- Metabolic syndrome on the digestive tract and translational application - Elisabetta Bugianesi


- Rossi A, Asthana A, Riganti C, et al. Mitochondria Transplantation Mitigates Damage in an In Vitro Model of Renal Tubular Injury and in an Ex Vivo Model of DCD Renal Transplantation. Ann Surg. 2023;278(6):e1313-e1326. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000006005

- Grange C, Dalmasso A, Cortez JJ, Spokeviciute B, Bussolati B. Exploring the role of urinary extracellular vesicles in kidney physiology, aging, and disease progression. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2023;325(6):C1439-C1450. doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00349.2023


- 64° Congresso Nazionale SIN (Società Italiana di Nefrologia)


- Targeting mitochondria 2024 (poster presentation)


- Mitochondrial Insights 

PhD seminars

Cardioprotection through pharmacological conditioning – Prof.ssa Ioanna Andreadou, Visiting Professor, University of Athens, Greece

Summarising evidence from multiple studies - Prof. Tobias, Visiting professor of the Department of Medical Sciences

E-learning courses

- Bibliography and bibliometrics like pros: stay up to date and develop literature syntheses in the biomedical domain

- General training course on Hygiene and Safety in the workplace (D.Lgs. 81/08 s.m.i)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 05/11/2024 16:42
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