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Progress Report 2017


Progress Report 2017


Anno accademico 2016/2017

--- Nuovo Ordinamento ---

Sommario insegnamento



9.00 Eshaghi Gorji Negar

Reproducibility and validity of the Italian version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in obese and diabetic patients.


9.20 Gamarra Elena

Nutritional intervention and telemedicine follow-up in women with gestational diabetes: effects on maternal and fetal outcomes


9.40 Iampietro Corinne

- Therapeutic perspectives of extracellular vesicles from renal progenitor cells in glomerular homeostasis alterations of Alport syndrome.


10.00 Gomez Yonathan

Set-up of a microfluidic hyperglycemic model of human glomerulus for the evaluation of the biologic effect of EVs from different sources


10.20 Mella Alberto

Anti-phospolipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) antibodies and membranous glomerulonephritis: pathogenic mechanisms and clinical implications


10.40 Motta Giovanna

Hormonal therapy in gender dysphoria as a study model for the effects of gonadic steroids on osteomuscular structure and function


11.00-11.20:  break

11.20  Margherita Pomatto

Extracellular vesicles as miRNA delivery system for renal carcinoma’s therapy


11.40 Villanova Tania

Effects of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) antagonists on survival and proliferation of human pleural mesothelioma cells



12.00-15.00 Presentations from the XXX° cycle PhD students


12. 00 Arduino Paolo

Salivary extracellular vesicle microRNAs profiling as a suitable non-invasive source for biomarkers in patients with oral cancer


12.20 Lombardo Giusy

Targeting IL-3R interferes with tumor endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicle-mediated tumor progression


12.40 Gai Chiara

Role of extracellular vesicles in renal repair


13.00-14.00 Light lunch-Auletta Lenti


14.00Belcastro Sara

Diagnostic-therapeutic pathway for patients undergoing bariatric surgery


14.20 Bonelli Nadia

Role of the morphological-quantitative ecography in the differential analysis of tyroid tissues: Concordance with clinical, pathological and biochemical data


14.40 Tosello Francesco

Central pressure evaluation: methods for measurements and clinical implications.


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