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Il Dottorato di Fisiopatologia Medica si propone di preparare i giovani laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia, Biotecnologie Mediche e Molecolari, Scienze Biologiche e discipline affini nell'area biologica e della salute umana, alla ricerca clinica ed alla ricerca di base applicata alla clinica con le tecnologie più avanzate. Lo studio dei meccanismi fisiopatologici coinvolti nella patologia oncologica e nelle malattie degenerative e metaboliche è orientato allo sviluppo di nuovi approcci diagnostici e terapeutici.

Le tematiche richiedono una stretta trasversalità tra aspetti clinici e biologici e chimico farmaceutici e una collaborazione con l'industria biotecnologica e farmaceutica.

  • mappa.pngfisopatologia del microambiente tumorale: cellule staminali tumorali, caratterizzazione molecolare (mRNA e microRNA) e funzionale (potenziale tumorigenico e metastatico) delle vescicole extracellulari rilasciate da cellule tumorali;
  • fisiopatologia del microbioma, meccanismi molecolari e modelli di diffusione dell'antibiotico-resistenza;
  • meccanismi di controllo della funzione endocrina in patologie degenerative croniche;
  •  meccanismi fisiopatologici e molecolari coinvolti nella patogenesi delle complicanze croniche del diabete e identificazione di potenziali nuovi biomarcatori circolanti;
  • studio dei fattori ambientali e molecolari e della loro interazione nell'eziologia e nella progressione delle malattie croniche;
  • meccanismi di progressione della cardiopatia e valutazione del rischio con metodiche avanzate
  • modelli di diffusione spazio-temporale delle malattie nella popolazione;
  • la radiomica nell'imaging ibrido: nuovi modelli matematici per analisi semi-quantitativa e quantitativa delle immagini funzionali in ambito oncologico;
  • la simulazione medica avanzata come strumento di formazione
  • interventi su stili di vita e self-care


  • sviluppo in collaborazione con l'industria (Unicyte e Fresenius Medical Care) di strategie terapeutiche basate sull’utilizzo di cellule staminali adulte o di derivanti vescicole extracellulari per applicazioni in ambito di medicina rigenerativa;
  • sviluppo di modelli in vitro ed in vivo per valutare terapie cellulari e/o attivazione di cellule endogene, studio di bio-materiali
  • nuove strategie di immunomodulazione specifica nel trapianto
  • modelli sperimentali e clinici per la diagnosi dell’ipertensione arteriosa essenziale, secondaria e farmaco-resistente con applicazione di interventi terapeutici innovativi.
  • studio del comportamento biologico dei tumori attraverso la Medicina Nucleare e l'imaging ibrido; approcci terapeutici e dosimetrici personalizzati


  • Lo scopo di questa linea di ricerca è offrire un percorso formativo nel settore della Scienza dell’Esercizio Fisico e dello Sport. Il dottorato si pone l’obiettivo di permettere agli studenti di acquisire le competenze per imparare a osservare, misurare e interpretare quantitativamente alcuni aspetti del fenomeno “movimento”. Si tratta di un ambito tipicamente “complesso”, risultato dell’interazione di numerosi sistemi, rispetto a cui l’attività di ricerca (soprattutto nazionale) è relativamente “giovane”.
  • I temi di ricerca spaziano dalla valutazione non invasiva del sistema neuromuscolare, allo studio della performance sportiva, alla realizzazione di interventi educativi atti a diffondere la cultura dell’attività fisica come strumento di prevenzione della salute e del benessere. Per una descrizione del contesto e dei temi di ricerca correnti si può visitare il sito

Linee di ricerca XXXVIII ciclo

  • Cardiovascular risk profile in patients with oncological disease and chronic diseases.
  • Mutational patterns and immunological pathways as prognostic factors in cutaneous melanoma.
  • Promoting self-care in chronic illnesses: effectiveness of nurse-led educational interventions for patients and their families.
  • Cardiovascular mechanics and hemodynamics evaluation across the spectrum of heart failure: from diagnostic and prognostic assessment to treatment guidance.
  • Artificial mitochondrial transfer for kidney graft preconditioning.
  • Protective role of tunneling nanotubes in pancreatic β-cells.
  • Advancement in the characterization of the neuroendocrine and bioimpedance profile of the different forms of hypotonic hyponatremia
  • Antibiotic resistance, microbioma and intestinal metabolomics in immunocomprised, transplated, oncologic or critic patients.
  • Role of Natural Killer cells in the pathogenesis of transplant glomerulopathy.
  • Investigation of the role of biofilm in critically ill patient infections
  • Education and performance in the advanced medical simulation.
  • Ultrasound evaluation of transmural healing in Crohn’s disease patients undergoing biological therapies: a prospective single tertiary centre study.
  • Klotho engineered extracellular vesicle in chronic kidney disease preclinical models.

Linee di ricerca XXXVII ciclo

  • Evolution of diagnostics for blood and lymphoproliferative diseases with the support of omic-analyses.
  • Applications of "machine learning" models to study prognostic and predictive factors for response to therapy in thyroid cancer.
  • Role of the ghrelin gene-derived peptides on browning of rodent and human adipocytes.
  • Incidence and predictors of progression of Fibromuscular Dysplasia and related vascular diseases.
  • Pathophysiological and diagnostic assessment of clinical problems in andrology and gynecological endocrinology through innovative analytical methods investigating androgen milieu.
  • Development of a mouse model to demonstrate the possible therapeutic effects of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles on hepatic cirrhosis.
  • Consensus Conference and Guideline Methodologies of Anti-infective use in oncology and onco-haematology patients: prophylaxis, pre-emptive, empiric and targeted treatment.
  • Metabolic mechanisms of liver fibrosis progression and non invasive biomarkers of fibrosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
  • Identification of exosomal markers for kidney regeneration.
  • Understanding the role of the tumor immune compartment in anti-IL-3R-EV mechanism of action.
  • Impact of gut microbioma on clinical management of critical patients.
  • Evaluation of the impact of different biomarkers in the management of patients with multiple drug intolerances or resistances.

Linee di ricerca Ciclo XXXVI

  • Extracellular matrix and tumor microenvironment: role of extracellular vesicles
  • Generation of spike-extracellular vesicles: a model to assess and interfere SARS-CoV-2 binding and internalization
  • Active life style and evidence-based physical exercise for a healthy prevention strategy: Assessment of effectiveness in cohort of subjects affected or not by exercise-sensitive chronic diseases .
  • Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV2 infection and other respiratory viral infections in allogenic bone marrow transplant
  • Phenotype and natural history of autonomic failure. Comparison between primitive and secondary forms.
  • Prognostic and/or predictive biomarkers of stage III/IV melanoma through Next-Generation Sequencing analysis.
  • Role of copeptin in a pathological model of fluid and electrolyte disease: primary adrenal insufficiency
  • Study on miRNA expression in urinary extracellular vesicles of patients under modulation of sodium intake
  • Role of the lectin pathway of complement activation in chronic rejection of Kidney transplantation
  • Liver cirrhosis, contrast-induced acute kidney injury and early kidney tubular damage biomarkers: a prospective controlled study
  • Study of the effects of extracellular vesicle-based treatment on the noncoding RNA expression profile in different in vitroand in vivo models of fibrosis.
  • SimTO Project: technical and psychological effects of medical simulation as determinants of teaching effectiveness
  • The effectiveness of active lifestyle and physical exercise as prevention strategies in a cohort of women with breast cancer
  • Functional validation of Variants of Unknown Significance identified through clinical exome sequencing in a cohort of patients suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Innovative research on the role of novel integrated markers of early-life stressors that influence health across the lifecycle using an open and long-term network of European cohorts that started during pregnancy or childhood.  
  • Physiopathology of infections in patients with permanently implanted heart care

The Doctorate in Medical Physiopathology aims to prepare young graduates in Medicine, Medical and Molecular Biotechnologies and Biological Sciences for clinical research and basic research applied to the clinic with the most advanced technologies. The study of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in oncological pathology and in degenerative and metabolic diseases is oriented to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

The issues require a strict transversality between clinical and biological and chemical pharmaceutical aspects and a collaboration with the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.


  • physiopathology of the tumor microenvironment: cancer stem cells, molecular characterization (mRNA and microRNA) and functional (tumorigenic and metastatic potential) of extracellular vesicles released by tumor cells;
  • physiopathology of the microbiome, molecular mechanisms and diffusion models of antibiotic resistance 
  • mechanisms of control of endocrine function in chronic degenerative pathologies;
  • pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of chronic diabetes complications and identification of potential new circulating biomarkers
  • study of environmental and molecular factors and their interaction in the etiology and progression of chronic diseases
  • models of space-time diffusion of diseases in the population
  • radiomics in hybrid imaging: new mathematical models for semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of functional images in oncology;

  • TUMORI_NEUROENDOCRINI_Dottorato_2_page-00011.jpgdevelopment in collaboration with industry ( Unicyte and Fresenius Medical Care) of therapeutic strategies based on the use of adult stem cells or deriving extracellular vesicles for applications in the field of regenerative medicine;
  • development of in vitro and in vivo models to evaluate cell therapies and / or activation of endogenous cells, bio-materials study - new
  • specific immunomodulation strategies in transplantation
  • experimental and clinical models for the diagnosis of essential arterial hypertension, secondary and drug-resistant with the application of innovative therapeutic interventions.
  • study of the biological behavior of tumors through Nuclear Medicine and hybrid imaging; personalized therapeutic and dosimetric approaches 


The purpose of this research line is to offer a training course in the field of Physical Exercise Science and Sport. The doctorate aims to enable students to acquire the skills to learn to observe, measure and quantitatively interpret certain aspects of the "movement" phenomenon. This is a typically "complex" area, the result of the interaction of numerous systems, with respect to which the research activity (above all national) is relatively "young".

The research topics range from the non-invasive evaluation of the neuromuscular system, to the study of sports performance, to the implementation of educational interventions aimed at spreading the culture of physical activity as a tool for preventing health and well-being. For a description of the current context and research topics, visit

Tipo: Dottorato di ricerca

Durata: 3 anni

Sede: Torino

Dipartimento: Scienze Mediche

Scuola di dottorato: sito web

Classe di appartenenza: DOTTORATI - Classe per i Corsi di Dottorato (Ateneo)

Organo di controllo: Collegio Docenti del Dottorato

Lingua: italiano


Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/05/2023 12:21
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