Marco Pappaccogli
- Dottorato: 37° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 721912

Tesi di dottorato
Incidence and predictors of progression of Fibromuscular Dysplasia and related vascular diseases
Attività di ricerca
(1) Evaluation of vascular progression of known and de-novo arterial lesions in patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia
(2) Evaluation of vascular risk and progression of known and de-novo lesions in patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia's related vascular diseases (i.e. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection; patients with isolated or multiple arterial dissections and/or aneurysms without evidence of other inflammatory or genetic known diseases)
(3) Evaluation of incidence of Fibromuscular Dysplasia and related vascular abnormalities in patients with isolated or multiple arterial dissection and/or aneurysms without evidence of inflammatory or genetic disease
2024 - Seminar on "Extracellular vescicles and regenerative medicine" (as part of PhD program)
2024 - Seminar on "Dietary salt: from physiology to disease" (as part of PhD program)
2024 - Seminar on "Genetic Forms of Hypertension" (as part of PhD program)
2024 - Seminar on "Pathophysiology of cardiovascular hemodynamics and translational application" (as part of PhD program)
2024 - Seminar on "Cancer survivors: pathophysiology of late-effects and implication for translational application" (as part of PhD program)
2023 - Seminar on "Extracellular vesicles and liquid biopsy" (as part of PhD program)
2023 - Seminar on "Diabetic nephropathy" (as part of PhD program)
2023 - Seminar on "Cancer survivors: pathophysiology of late-effects and challenges in their
management" (as part of PhD program)
2023 - Seminar on "Cardioprotection through pharmacological conditioning" (as part of PhD program) by Ioanna Andreadou, Visiting Professor, University of Athens, Greece. Hosted by Prof. Maria Felice Brizzi.
2022 - Course on Webinar Bibliography "Bibliography and bibliometrics like pros. Stay up to date and Develop Literature Syntheses in the Biomedical Domain" (as part of PhD Program)
2022 - Seminar on "Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficents, uncertainty measure and hypothesis testing" (as part of PhD Program)
2022 - Seminar on "Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors" (as part of PhD Program)
2022 - Seminar on "How to set up an in vivo experimental model" (as part of PhD Program)
2022 - Seminar on "Physiopathology of diabetic nephropathy" (as part of PhD Program)
2022 - Seminar on "Scientific Presentations" (as part of PhD Program)
2024 - Congress "Updating sulla denervazione renale nell'ipertensione arteriosa" (25th October, Turin) with the [Oral Communication] entitled "Esperienza del centro: presentazione casi clinici".
2024 - XLI National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA - 26-28th September, Brescia) with the [Oral Communication] entitled “Approccio diagnostico e terapeutico all'ipertensione secondaria: la survey della SIIA - Approccio diagnostico all'ipertensione nefrovascolare” and the following [Poster Presentations]: (1) "Effetti della denervazione renale sul monitoraggio pressorio 24h" - (2) "Gestione dell'ipertensione nefrovascolare e della denervazione renale nei pazienti con ipertensione: risultati di una survey nazionale italiana".
2024 - 33rd European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection (ESH - 31 May - 3rd June - Berlin) with the following [Poster Presentations]: (1) "Cluster analysis of pulse wave velocity longitudinal trends in hypertensive patients" in collaboration with the INSERM Paris - (2) "Effect of renal denervation on 24h blood pressure pattern".
2023 - XL National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA – 5-7th October, Bologna) with the [Oral Communication] entitled “Diagnosi e Terapia dell’FMD nell’adulto”.
2023 - 31st European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection (ESH – 17-20th June, Athens) with the following [Poster Presentations] (1) “Clinical and demographic determinants of pulse wave velocity trajectories in hypertensive patients: a retrospective study” in collaboration with the INSERM Paris; (2) “Prevalence and disease spectrum of Fibromuscular Dysplasia in patients with cerebrovascular artery dissection”; (3) “Renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension: follow-up 2011-2021 of the series of the ESH Center of Excellence in Turin”; (4) “Association between post-traumatic stress disorders and hypertension in Congolese exposed to violence: a case-control study” in collaboration with the Psychological Sciences Research Institute and the Division of Cardiology of the Université Catholique de Louvain
2022 - XXXIX National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Studio della prevalenza e del fenotipo displastico fibromuscolare nei pazienti con dissecazione cerebrovascolare spontanea" [Poster Presentation]
2022 - 31st European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, ESH: "Psychological determinants of drug agherence and severity of hypertension in patients with resistant versus controlled hypertension" [Oral Communication] and "Drug adherence and psychological factors in patients with resistant hypertension - yes but which ones?" [Poster Presentation]
2021 - XXXVIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Uno strano caso di pielonefrite" [Oral Communication]
2020 - Interregional Congress - Piemonte, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta Section - Italian Society of Hypertension: "Solamente una pielonefrite?" [Oral Communication]
2020 - XXXVII National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Efficacia del trattamento endovascolare nell'ipertensione nefrovascolare su base aterosclerotica: metanalisi aggiornata" [Poster Presentation]
2019 - International Symposium on Fibromuscular Dysplasia, Zagreb (Croatia): "The European/Internation FMD Registry: lessons learnt from the first thousand patients" [Oral Communication]
2019 - XXXVI National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Caratteristiche generali e psicologiche di una coorte di pazienti con ipertensione resistente: studio multicentrico" [Oral Presentation in Poster Area]
2019 - 2nd Internation Symposium on Fibromuscular Dysplasia & Related Vascular Diseases, Warsaw (Poland): "Focus on pregnancy-related complications of FMD" [Oral Communication]
2019 - 29th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, ESH: "Distinctive features of patients diagnosed with Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD) at an older age: a report from the European/International FMD Registry" [Oral Communication] and "Predictors of eventual blood pressure control in patients with Resistant Hypertension after intensive management in two expert centres: the Brussels-Torino experience" [Poster Presentation] and "Prevalence and nature of pregnancy-related complications in patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia in the European/International FMD registry" [Poster Presentation] and "The European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry: main findings in the first thousand patients" [Poster Presentation] and "How goof are physicians at measuring blood pressure in dialysis? Patient versu physician view" [Poster Presentation] and "Comparison of automated office blood pressure with office and out-of-office measurement techniques: a systematic review and a meta-analysis" [Oral Presentation in Poster Area] and "When to search for cerebrovascular lesions in patients with renal artery Fibromuscular Dysplasia: hints from the ARCADIA-POL study" [Poster Presentation]
2018 - 28th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, ESH: "Nurse-OBP: a nursing standardised method for measuring blood pressure" [Poster Presentation]
2018 - XXXV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Valutazione di un programma di screening non-medico eseguito nelle farmacie di comunità per l'ipertensione e il rischio cardiovascolare" [Poster Presentation]
2017 - 27th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection, ESH: "Effectiveness of renal denervation in resistant hypertension: a meta-analysis of 11 controlled studies" [Oral Presentation in Poster Area]
2017 - XXXIV National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension: "Valutazione delle conoscenze sull'ipertensione arteriosa prima e dopo training formativo breve in un campione di farmacisti. Il Progetto Zero" [Poster Presentation] and "Metanalisi di 11 studi con gruppo di controllo sull'efficacia antiipertensiva della denervazione renale nell'ipertensione resistente" [Oral Presentation in Poster Area]
Scientific activity
2021 - Present
PhD student at University of Torino (Doctoral School of Medical Physiopathology) with a project entitled "Incidence and predictors of progression of Fibromuscular Dysplasia and related vascular diseases"
Fellowship at the Division of Cardiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCL), Brussels (Belgium) with Prof Alexandre Persu. Research activity focused on essential hypertension, drug adherence, psychological determinants of drug resistance and drug adherence, nefrovascular hypertension,and fibromuscular dysplasia.
Clinical research: epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of essential hypertension, resistant hypertension and secondary form of hypertension and, in particular, of atherosclerotic renal vascular disease and fibromuscular dysplasia, and its related vascular diseases.
Clinical activity
November 2023 - present
Clinical Acitivity as Specialist in Internal Medicine - SCU Medicina Interna 4 (Director: Prof. F. Veglio), Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, University of Torino (TO), Italy
Clinical Activity as Specialist in Hypertension at Hypertension Excellence Centre - Division of Internal Medicine (Prof. F. Veglio), University of Torino (TO), Italy
November 2021 - November 2023
Clinical Acitivity as Specialist in Internal Medicine - Division of Emergency Medicine (Director: Prof. E. Lupia), Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, University of Torino (TO), Italy
Hypertension Outpatient Clinical fellowship at Hypertension Excellence Centre - Division of Internal Medicine (Prof. F. Veglio), University of Torino (TO), Italy
October 2020 - October 2021
Clinical Acitivity as Specialist in Internal Medicine in the contest of the COVID pandemic - Division of Emergency Medicine (Director: Dr. F. Aprà), Giovanni Bosco Hospital, Torino (TO), Italy
March 2020 - September 2020
Clinical Acitivity as Specialist in Internal Medicine in the contest of the COVID pandemic - Division of Internal Medicine, Cardinal Massaia Hospital, Asti (AT), Italy
November 2016 - October 2021
Fellow in Internal Medicine - Division of Internal Medicine (Director: Prof. F. Veglio), Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, University of Torino (TO), Italy
2021 - Specialty in Internal Medicine, University of Torino, Italy, with a final score of 70/70 cum Laude, honors and publication recommended, for a thesis entitled "Extra-coronary arterial abnormalities in spontaneous coronary artery dissection: prevalence and disease spectrum".
2016 - Italian National Medical Board Exam
2015 - M.D. degree, University of Torino, Torino, Italy, with a final score of 110/110 cum Laude, honors and publication recommended, for a thesis entitled: "Studio metanalitico sull’efficacia antipertensiva delle differenti terapie invasive nell’ipertensione arteriosa resistente"
2009 - Graduated from Classic Lyceum (100/100)
Publications 2024
- Kadziela J, Jozwik-Plebanek K, Pappaccogli M, Van der Niepen P, Prejbisz A, Dobrowolski P, Michalowska I, Talarowska P, Warchol-Celinska E, Stryczynski L, Krekora J, Andziak P, Szczerbo-Trojanowska M, Maciag R, Sterlinski I, Witkowski A, Januszewicz A, Adlam D, Januszewicz M, Persu A. The risks and benefits of renal artery stenting in fibromuscular dysplasia – lesson from ARCADIA-POL Study. Vascular Medicine 2024;29(1):50-57
- Palermiti A*, Pappaccogli M*, Rabbia F, D’Avolio A, Veglio F. Multiple drug intolerance in antihypertensive patients: what is known and what is missing. J Hypertens. 2024;42(8):1289-1297
- Pappaccogli M, Ponsa L, Goi J, Burrello J, Di Dalmazi G, Cicero AFG, Mancusi C, Moia EC, Iaccarino G, Borghi C, Muiesan ML, Ferri C, Rabbia F, Mulatero P; Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension (SIIA). Management of renovascolar hypertension and renal denervation in patrients with hypertension: an Italian nationwide survey. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2024;31(5):501-512
Publications 2023
- Georges CMG, Pappaccogli M, Fanelli E, Petit G, Ritscher S, Lopez-Sublet M, Bapolisi A, Wallemacq P, Rabbia F, de Timary P, Toennes SW, Persu A. Drug adherence and psychological factors in patients with apparently treatment-resistant hypertension: Yes but hich ones? J Clin Hypertens. 2022;24(11):1436-1443
- Pappaccogli M, Robberechts T, Lengelé JP, Van der Niepen P, Sarafidis P, Rabbia F, Persu A. Enovascular versus medical managmenet of atherosclerotic renovascular disease: update and emerging concepts. Hypertension. 2023;80(6):1150-1161
Publications 2022
- Latosinska A, Bruno RM, Pappaccogli M, Bacca A, Beauloye C, Boutouyrie P, Khettab H, Staessen JA, Taddei S, Toubiana L, Vikkula M, Mischak H, Persu A. Increased collagen turnover is a feature of fibromuscular dysplasia and associated with hypertrophic radial remodeling: a pilot, urine proteomic study. Hypertension. 2022;79(1):93-103
- Persu A, Lopez-Sublet M, Al-Hussaini A, Pappaccogli M, Radhouani I, Van der Niepen P, Adair W, Beauloye C, Brillet PY, Chan N, Vhenu P, Devos H, Escaned J, Garcia-Guimaraes M, Hammer F, Jackson R, Jebri S, Kotecha D, Macaya F. Mahon C, Natarajan N, Neghal K, Nicol ED, Parke KS, Premawardhana D, Sajitha A, Wormleighton J, Samani NJ, McCann GP, Adlam D. Prevalence and disease spectrum of extracoronary arterial abnormalities spontaneous coronary artery dissection. JAMA Cardiol. 2022;7(2):159-166. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2021.4690
- Bapolisi A, Maurage P, Pappaccogli M, Georges CMG, Petit G, Balola M, Cikomola C, Bisimwa G, Burnier M, Persu A, de Timary P. Association between post-traumatic stress disorder and hypertension in Congolese exposed to violence: a case-control study. J Hypertens. 2021. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003061.
- Avataneo V, Fanelli E, De Nicolò A, Rabbia F, Palermiti A, Pappaccogli M, Cusato J, De Rosa FG, D’Avolio A, Veglio F. A non-invasive method for detection of antihypertensive dugs in biological fluids: the salivary therapeutic drug monitoring. Front Pharmacol. 200;12:755184 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.755184
- Georges CMG, Ritscher S, Pappaccogli M, Petit G, Lopez-Sublet M, Bapolisi A, Di Monaco S, Wallemacq P, Rabbia F, Toennes SW, de Timary P, Persu A. Psychological determinants of drug adherence and severity of hypertension in patients with apparently treatment-resistant vs. controlled hypertension. Blood Press. 2022;31(1):169-177
- Fanelli E, Di Monaco S, Pappaccogli M, Eula E, Fasano C, Bertello C, Veglio F, Rabbia F. Comparison of nurse attended automated office blood pressure with conventional measurement techniques in clinical practice. J Human Hypertension 2022;36(9):833-838
Publications 2021
- Januszewicz M, Dobrowolski P, Januscwicz A, Warchol-Celinska W, Jozwik-Plebanek K, Motyl D, Kabat M, Peczkowska M, Michalowska I, Ambroziak U, Toutounchi S, Galazka Z, Courcelles, L, Pappaccogli M, Eisenhofer G, Persu A, Lenders JWM, Kadziela J, Prejbisz A. Intrarenal hemodynamics and kidney funztion in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma before and after surgical treatment. Blood Press. 2021;30(3):172-179. Blood Press. 2021;30(3):172-179.
- Fanelli E, Ravetto Enri L, Pappaccogli M, Fasano C, Di Monaco S, Pignata I, Baratta F, Eula E, Masera G, Mana M, Rabbia F, Brusa P*, Veglio F*. Knowledge on arterial hypertension in general population: results from a community pharmacy screening program. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis.2021;31(4):1081-1086.
- Persu A, Dobrowolski P, Gornik HL, Olin JW, Adlam D, Azizi M, Boutouyrie P, Bruno RM, Boulanger M, Demoulin JB, Ganesh SK, J Guzik T, Januszewicz M, Kovacic JC, Kruk M, de Leeuw P, Loeys BL, Pappaccogli M, Perik MHAM, Touzé E, Van der Niepen P, Van Twist DJL, Warchol-Celinska E, Prejbisz A, Januszewicz A. Current progress in clinical, molecular, and genetic aspects of adult fibromuscular dysplasia. Cardiovasc Res. 2022;118(1):65-83.
- Persu A, Ciurica S, Pappaccogli M. Baseline brain-to-pelvis imaging predicts subsequent arterial complications in patients with renal artery dissection. Hypertensione. 2021;78(1):62-64.
- Fanelli E, Di Monaco S, Pappaccogli M, Eula E, Fasano C, Bertello C, Veglio F, Rabbia F. Comparison of nurse attended and unattendend automated office blood pressure with conventional measurement techniques in clinical practice. J Hum Hypertens. 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41371-021-00575-8
- Georges A, Yang ML, Berrandou TE, Bakker MK, Dikilitas O, Kiando SR, Satterfield BA, Sengupta S, Yu M, Deleuze JF, Dupré D, Hunker KL, Kyryachenko S, Liu L, Sayoud-Sadeg I, Amar L, Brummett CM, Coleman DM, d’Escamard V, de Leeuw P, Fendrikova-Mahalay N, Kadian-Dodov D, Li JZ, Lorthioir A, Pappaccogli M, Prejbisz A, Smigielski W, Stanley JC, Zawitowski M, ZhouX, Zollner S; FEIRI investigators; International Stroke Genetics Consortium (ISGC) Intracranial Aneurysm Working Group; MEGASTROKE, Amouyel P, De Buyzere ML, Debette S, Dobrowolski P, Drygas W, Gornik HL, Olin JW, Piwonski J, Rietzschel ER, Ruigrok YM, Vikkula M, Warchol Celinska E, Januszewicz A, Kullo IJ, Azizi M, Jeunemaitre X, Persu A, Kovacic JC, Ganesh SK, Bouatia-Naji N. Genetic investigation of fibromuscular dysplasia identifies risk loci and share genetics with common cardiovascular diseases. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):6031. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26174-2
- Fanelli E, Abate Daga F, Pappaccogli M, Eula E, Astarita A, Mingrone G, Fasano C, Magnino C, Schiavone D, Rabbone I, Gollin M, Rabbia F, Veglio F. A structured physical activity program in an adolescent population with overweight or obesity: a prospective interventional study. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012;1-8. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2021-0092
Publications 2020
- Warchol-Celinska E*, Pieluszczak K*, Pappaccogli M, Soplinska A, Prejbisz A, Dobrowolski P, Klisiewicz A, Kadziela J, Falkowski A, Smigielski W, Florczak E, Jozwik-Plebanek K, Michalowska I, Kabat M, Zgorzelski C, Madej K, Nazarewski S, Smolski M, Olewnik L, Litwin M, Szczerbo-Trojanowska M, Zieniewicz K, Drygas W, Rowinski O, Witkowski A, Adlam D, Van der Niepen P, Persu A, Januszewicz A, Januszewicz M. Dissecting visceral Fibromuscular dysplasia reveals a new vascular phenotype of the disease: a report from the ARCADIA-POL study. J Hypertens. 2020 doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002327.
- Pappaccogli M, Di Monaco S, Warchoł-Celińska E, Lorthioir A, Amar L, Aparicio LS, Beauloye C, Bruno RM, Chenu P, de Leeuw P, De Backer T, Delmotte P, Dika Z, Gordin D, Heuten H, Iwashima Y, Krzesinski JM, Kroon AA, Mazzolai L, Poch E, Sarafidis P, Seinturier C, Spiering W, Toubiana L, Van der Niepen P, van Twist D, Visonà A, Wautrecht JC, Witowicz H, Xu J, Prejbisz A, Januszewicz A, Azizi M, Persu A; European/International FMD Registry and Initiative (FEIRI) and the Working Group “Hypertension and the Kidney” of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). The European/International Fibromuscolar Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI) – Clinical phenotypes and their predictors based on a cohort of one thousand patients. Cardiovasc Res. 2020 Apr 13:cvaa102. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvaa102. Online ahead of print. PMID: 32282921.
- Warchol-Celinska E, Berrandou T, Prejbisz A, Georges A, Dupré D, Januszewicz M, Florczak E, Jozwik-Plebanek K, Dobrowolski P, Smigielski W, Drygas W, Kadziela J, Witkowski A, Kabat M, Szczerbo-Trojanowska M,Pappaccogli M, Persu A, Jeunemaitre X, Januszewicz A, Bouatia-Naji N. Genetic Study of PHACTR1 and Fibromuscular Dysplasia, Meta-Anlaysis and Effects on Clinical Features of Patients: The ARCADIA-POL Study. Hypertension. 2020 Jul;76(1):e4-e7. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.14793. Epub 2020 Jun 1. PMID: 32475314
- Pappaccogli M, Prejbisz A, Ciurică S, Bruno RM, Aniszczuk-Hybiak A, Bracalente I, De Backer T, Debiève F, Delmotte P, Di Monaco S, Jarraya F, Gordin D, Kosiński P, Kroon AA, Maas AHEM, Marcon D, Minuz P, Montagud-Marrahi E, Pasquet A, Poch E, Rabbia F, Stergiou GS, Tikkanen I, Toubiana L, Vinck W, Warchoł-Celińska E, Van der Niepen P, de Leeuw P, Januszewicz A, Persu A; European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI) and the Working Group “Hypertension and the Kidney” of the ESH. Pregnancy-Related Complications in Patients With Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report From the European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry. Hypertension. 2020 Aug;76(2):545-553. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15349. Epub 2020 Jul 8.
- Verstraeten A, Perik MHAM, Baranowska AA, Meester JAN, Van Den Heuvel L, Bastianen J, Kempers M, Krapels IPC, Maas A, Rideout A, Vandersteen A, Sobey G, Johnson D, Fransen E, Ghali N, Webb T, Al-Hussaini A, de Leeuw P, Delmotte P, Lopez-Sublet M,Pappaccogli M, Sprynger M, Toubiana L; European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI), Van Laer L, Van Dijk FS, Vikkula M, Samani NJ, Persu A, Adlam D, Loeys B; Collaborators of the European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI). Enrichment of Rare Variants in Loyes-Dietz Syndrome Genes in Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection but Not in Severe Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Circulation. 2020 Sep 8;142(10):1021-1024. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.045946. Epub 2020 Sep 8.
- Kreutz, Reinholda,*; Dobrowolski, Piotrb,*; Prejbisz, Aleksanderb; Algharably, Engi A.E-Ha; Bilo, Grzegorzc,d; Creutzig, Felixe,f; Grassi, Guidog; Kotsis, Vasiliosh; Lovic, Dragani; Lurbe, Emparj,k; Modesti, Pietro A.l; Pappaccogli, Marcom,n; Parati, Gianfrancoc,d; Persu, Alexandren; Polonia, Jorgeo; Rajzer, Marekp; de Timary, Philippeq; Weber, Thomasr; Weisser, Burkhards; Tsioufis, Konstantinost; Mancia, Giuseppeu,v; Januszewicz, Andrzejb European Society of Hypertension COVID-19 Task Force Review. Lifestyle, psychological, socioeconomic and environmental factors and their impact on hypertension during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. J Hypertens. December 29, 2020. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002770
Publications 2019
- Pappaccogli M, Di Monaco S, Perlo E, Burrello J, D’Ascenzo F, Veglio F, Monticone S, Rabbia F. Comparison of automated office blood pressure with office and out-of-office measurement techniques. Hypertension 2019;73(2):481-490.
- Pappaccogli M, Di Monaco S, Coralie G, Petit G, Eula E, Ritscher S, Lengelé JP, Fanelli E, Severino F, Renkin J, Avataneo V, Wallemacq P, Toennes SW, de Timary P, Rabbia F, Persu A. Predictors of blood pressure control in patients with resistant hypertension after intensive management in two expert centres: the Brussels-Torino experience. Blood Press. 2019;28(5):336-344.
- Pappaccogli M, Labriola L, Van der Niepen P, Pruijm M, Vogt L, Halimi JM, Ferro CJ, Halabi G, Phan O, Bullani R, Saudan P, Avdelidou A, Panou E, Papoulidou F, London G, Rossignol P, Sarafidis P, Persu A, Wuerzner G. Is blood pressure measured correctly in dialysis centres? Physicians’ and patients’ views. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019;34(9):1612-1615.
- Pappaccogli M*, Ravetto Enri L*, Perlo E, Di Monaco S, Pignata I, Baratta F, Rabbia F, Mana M, Veglio F#, Brusa P#. Assessment of a non-physician screening program for hypertension and cardiovascular risk in community pharmacies. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2019;29(12):1316-1322.
Publications 2018
- Pappaccogli M, Covella M, Berra E, Fulcheri C, Di Monaco S, Perlo E, Burrello J, Monticone S, Rossato D, Rabbia F, Veglio F. Effectiveness of Renal Denervation in Resistant Hypertension: A Meta-analysis of 11 Controlled Studies. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2018 May 11. doi: 10.1007/s40292-018-0260-5.
- Avataneo V, De Nicolò A, Rabbia F, Perlo E, Burrello J, Berra E, Pappaccogli M, Cusato J, D’Avolio A, Di Perri G, Veglio F. Therapeutic drug monitoring guided definition of adherence profiles in resistant hypertension and identification of predictors of poor adherence. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2018 Jul 3. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13706.
Publications 2017
- Rabbia F, Testa E, Fulcheri C, Berra E, Di Monaco S, Covella M, Pappaccogli M, Monticone S, Rosiello R, Rossato D, Veglio F. Procedural reassessment of radiofrequency renal denervation in resistant hypertensive patients. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2017 April 3. doi: 10.1007/s40292-017-0197-0.
Publications 2016
- Di Monaco S, Rabbia F, Covella M, Fulcheri C, Berra E, Pappaccogli M, Perlo E, Bertello C, Veglio F. Evaluation of a short home blood pressure measurement in an outpatient population of hypertensives. Clin Exp Hypertens. 2016; 38 (8):673-679.
- Rabbia F, Fulcheri C, Di Monaco S, Covella M, Perlo E, Pappaccogli M, Veglio F. Adherence to antihypertensive therapy and therapeutic dosage of antihypertensive drugs. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev. 2016 May 9.
Awards and honors
2021 - SIIA 2021 Best Clinical Case Award at the XXXVIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Hypertension for the oral communication: "Un caso di infarto renale: da una pielonefrite a un'arteriopatia semisconosciuta".
2021 - SIIA 2021 "Alberto Zanchetti" Best Publication Award for the paper "The European/International Fibromuscolar Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI) – Clinical phenotypes and their predictors based on a cohort of one thousand patients" published in Cardiovascular Research.
2016 - SIIA 2016 Distinguished Thesis Award of the Italian Society of Hypertension for the thesis entitled: "Studio metanalitico sull’efficacia antipertensiva delle differenti terapie invasive nell’ipertensione arteriosa resistente".
National and International Collaborations
Belgium: Division of Cardiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (UCL), Brussels
France: Hypertension Unit of Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris
Member of the Italian Society of Hypertension (SIIA) (2016-to date)
Member of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Workin Group "Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and Adherence"
Member of the Editorial Board of Translational Endocrinology (specialty section of Frontiers in Endocrinology)
Member of the European/International Fibromuscolar Dysplasia Registry and Initiative (FEIRI)