Samuel Agostino
- 502301
- Dottorato: 37° ciclo
- Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
- Matricola: 773415

Attività di ricerca
Agostino, S., Cherasco, G. M., Papotti, G., Milan, A., Abate Daga, F., Abate Daga, M., & Veglio, F. (2024). Impact of Simulation-Based and Flipped Classroom Learning on Self-Perceived Clinical Skills Compared to Traditional Training. Education Sciences, 15(1), 31. DOI: 10.3390/educsci15010031
Abate Daga, F., Allois, R., Abate Daga, M., Veglio, F., & Agostino, S. (2024). Coaches’ Subjective Perceptions and Physical Performance: Key Factors in Youth Football Talent Identification—An Exploratory Study. Education Sciences, 14(12), 1-14. DOI: 10.3390/educsci14121400
Beratto, L., Bressy, L., Agostino, S., Malandrone, F., Brichetto, G., & Ponzano, M. (2024). The effect of exercise on mental health and health-related quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A Systematic review and meta-analysis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 105473. DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2024.105473
Sannicandro, I., Agostino, S., Abate Daga, M., Veglio, F., & Abate Daga, F. (2024). Developing the Physical Performance in Youth Soccer: Short-Term Effect of Dynamic–Ecological Versus Traditional Training Approach for Sub-Elite U13 Players—An Ecological Exploratory Cluster Randomised Trial. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 9(2), 83. DOI: 10.3390/jfmk9020083
Agostino, S., Calandretti, M., & Veglio, F. (2023). Physical strength levels and short-term memory efficiency in primary school children: a possible match?. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.23.14996-6
Abate Daga, F., Veglio, F., Cherasco, G. M., & Agostino, S. (2023). The Influence of Subjective Perceptions and the Efficacy of Objective Evaluation in Soccer School Players’ Classification: A Cross-Sectional Study. Children, 10(5), 767. DOI: 10.3390/children10050767
Daga, F. A., Agostino, S., Peretti, S., & Beratto, L. (2022). Correction to: COVID‑19 nationwide lockdown and physical activity profiles among North‑western Italian population using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Sport Sciences for Health, 18(1), 287. DOI: 10.1007/s11332-021-00745-8
Abate Daga, F., Agostino, S., Peretti, S., & Beratto, L. (2022). The impact of physical activity rate on subjective well-being among North-Western Italian population during COVID-19 nationwide lockdown. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 62(8), DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.21.12787-2
Abate Daga, F., Panzolini, M., Allois, R., Baseggio, L., & Agostino, S. (2021). Age-Related Differences in Hamstring Flexibility in Prepubertal Soccer Players: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 741756. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.741756
November 14-15, 2024
National SIMMED Congress (2024) (Milan) Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina - Relatori: Papotti, G. & Agostino, S. nel workshop "Un gioco esperienziale per i facilitatori della simulazione".
December 1-2, 2023
ACEP 2023 (Turin) Le malattie rare e meno rare dell'emostasi: l'importanza della rete e del confronto interdisciplinare. Convegno ACEP - Relatore del progetto The VincerEmo single centre protocol: Physical activity and severe haemophilia. Why, when and how." by Valeri, F., Dainese, C., Merli, P., Galizia, M., Agostino, S., Cunsolo, N., Sella, C., Valpreda, A., Bailon, M., Miniotti, M., Massazza, G., Benedetto, B., & Borchiellini, A.
October 27, 2023
XXI National SIPEM 2023 (Turin) Formare alla complessità nelle professioni di cura. Società Italiana di Pedagogia Medica Congress - Poster Presentation
Agostino S., Abate Daga F., Cherasco G., Milan A., Papotti G., Veglio F.
- "Flipped Classroom for Training in Medical Semiology: Effects on Perceived Competence in Certain Clinical Skills."
- "Analysis of Self-Perceived Clinical Competence of First Three Years Medical Students Through a Simulation-Based Internship.
October 12, 2023
National SIMMED Congress 2023 (Genoa) Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Simulazione in Medicina - Poster Presentation
- Agostino S., Abate Daga F., Cherasco G., Milan A., Papotti G., Veglio F. "Analysis of Self-Perceived Clinical Competence of First Three Years Medical Students Through a Simulation-Based Internship."
October 6, 2023
XL National SIIA Congress 2023 (Bologna) - Poster Presentation
- Agostino S., Abate Daga F., Cherasco G., Milan A., Papotti G., Veglio F. "Analysis of Self-Perceived Clinical Competence of First Three Years Medical Students Through a Simulation-Based Internship."
November 5, 2022
XIII SISMES Congress 2022 (Milan) Ricerca e Formazione Applicate alle Scienze Motorie e Sportive. Società Italiana delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive- Co-author Speaker: F. Abate Daga, P. Novara, S. Agostino. "The Role of Objective Measurement and Subjective Perception in Player Discrimination in a Professional Soccer School."
May 23, 2022
Salone internazionale del libro 2022 “Cuori Selvaggi” – Manuscript Presentation in collaboration with EDISU Piemonte – "Physical and Sports Activity: A Meeting Between Two Generations," presentation of the book by S. Agostino (2021). La preparazione motoria di base. Didattica, ricerca e pratica del preatletismo. Elika Editrice. Elika Publishing
May 27-28-29th, in presence lecture - University of Torino: Summarising evidence from multiple studies - Prof. Aurelio Tobias, Visiting Professor, Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Spain, host: Prof. Milena Maule, Department of Medical Science, University of Torino
May 24th, on line lecture - University of Torino: Pathophysiology of cardiovascular hemodynamics and translational application - Alberto Milan
May 16-17, in presence lecture - University of Torino, Scuole di Specializzazione: Corso di analisi di sopravvivenza e regressione di Cox - Prof.ssa Berchialla P.
June 13th, on line lecture - University of Torino: Cancer survivors. Pathophysiology of late-effects and challenges in their management - Emanuela Arvat
June 30 2022, in presence lecture - University of Turin: How to write a scientific paper - Riccarda Granata
July 12, 2022 - Fitting regression models: interpretation of regression coefficients, uncertainty measures and hypothesis testing - Prof. Milena Maule
July 19 2022, in presence lecture - University of Turin: Regression models: from the linear model to the generalised linear models. Interpretation of interactions between predictors - Milena Maule
Semptember 27 2022, in presence lecture - University of Turin: Scientific presentations - Benedetta Bussolati
October 17 2022, online training course - University of Turin: Principi fondamentali Privacy. Certificate of attendance
Nature masterclasses:
- Advancing Your Scientific Presentations
- Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting
Summer Schools
Università di Roma La Sapienza, August 28 – September 2, 2023
Summer School: I modelli di equazioni strutturali: teoria e applicazioni con il software MPLUS, presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia.
- Principal component analysis with MPLUS and R (Lavaan);
- Exploratory factor analysis with MPLUS and R (Lavaan);
- Confirmatory factor analysis with MPLUS and R (Lavaan).
International Summer School of Epidemiology, Ulm University, July 24-28, 2023
Analytic Methods for Longitudinal Data Including Time-Varying Covariates and Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Data (Using SAS software).
Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, August 1-15, 2022
Summer School in Applied Multivariate Analysis - Utrecht University, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (Using SPSS software).
Università degli Studi di Bergamo, May 23, 2022
Summer School 2022 - Costruire il dato: metodi di analisi qualitativi e quantitativi
Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italia. (Using Mplus, R and NVIVO software).
Advanced Degrees
Master di Primo Livello in Simulazione Avanzata in Ambito Sanitario
Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche
Anno Accademico: 2022/2023
Area disciplinare: Scienze Mediche Cliniche e Sperimentali
Codice del Corso: M11132
Master COREP - Incarico di docenza in “Assistenza infermieristica in terapia intensiva e pronto soccorso”. L'ecografia tramite la simulazione - VausSim
Master COREP (Turin) - Incarico di docenza in “Assistenza infermieristica in terapia intensiva e pronto soccorso”. L'ecografia tramite la simulazione - VausSim
NUME PLUS Srl (Verbania) - Incarico come tecnico di simulazione presso "SEUa Simulation experience in a multidisciplinary approach" - L'evento sulla Sindrome Emolitico Uremica Atipica che utilizza la simulazione come strumento didattico
Corso ECM (Turin) - tecnico di simulazione in "Ecografia clinica addominale in medicina interna" Aula Lenti – 1° Piano – A.O.U. “Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino” – Ospedale Molinette, lato Corso Dogliotti 14
10/11/2023 (12.000,00€) - Vincitore Call Abbraccia il futuro: libera l’innovazione in aula. Categoria: “Gruppi di insegnamenti” per il progetto: SIM-FUTURO, inseriamo le tessere mancanti nel percorso per diventare medici. - Agostino, S. (Team leader) Papotti, G., Novello, F., & Abate Daga, M. Teaching and Learning Center, Università degli studi di Torino