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Ilaria Goitre

Tesi di dottorato

Title of the PhD project

"Pilot study to evaluate the effects of an innovative dairy product enriched with
bioactive compounds derived from milk on the health status of patients with
gestational diabetes".
My research activity
I collaborated with Dairy Inalpi company and I supported the research team to create a low-sugar, high-protein, white yogurt enriched with Lactoferrin.  Our work started from the choice of milk, the type of lactic ferment and the amount of lactoferrin to be added to the yogurt, by assessing the available literature and the recommendations of the European Food Safety Authority. In particular, as a nutritionist, I collaborate to define the nutritional and qualitative properties of the yogurt, determining the appropriate final amount of sugars, fats and proteins. I followed the entire production process, from the arrival of the milk to the final definition of the yogurt for the study, including the step of ultrafiltration of the milk, thanks to which the protein part of the milk, called retentate, was obtained. The retentate was then used to enrich our yogurt with proteins.
We formulated two recipes of the yogurt, one yogurt derived from high-quality cow's milk enriched with lactoferrin during the manufacturing process and the same yogurt, but without Lactoferrin; Both yogurts have the same color, flavor, and texture.
Afterwards, I drafted the study protocol; I submitted this study to the hospital ethics committee in October 2022 and I'm now waiting for their approval in order to start the trial. This will be the work for the next two years of my PhD.

Attività di ricerca

Research activity, Jen 2024 - Dec 2024: continuation of patient enrollment of my PhD project; initiation of thesis writing and analysis of preliminary results. 

Lectures 2024

Pathophysiology and innovative therapeutic approaches of diseases-24 ore 

- May 21/2024: Cancer survivors: pathophysiology of late-effects and implication for translational application
- May 24/2024: Pathophysiology of cardiovascular hemodynamics and translational application
- Jun 28/2024: Therapeutic strategies for liver transplant
- Jul 3/2024: Genetic Forms of Hypertension
- Sep 10/2024: Current and future directions of kidney transplantation
- Sep 18/2024:Extracellular vesicles and regenerative medicine

- May 27-28-29 (Prof. Tobias, visiting professor of the Department of Medical Sciences): 
Summarising evidence from multiple studies.


- Apr 2024Corso di Biorender: Top Design Tips for Publications and Graphical Abstracts.

- Nov 8/9: Corso counseling nutrizionale: " Vengo solo perchè mi manda il medico". Il colloquio motivazionale all'interno dell'intervento di counseling nutrizioanle. Attestato di partecipazione. 

- Dec 5/2024: corso adempiement privacy nell ambito delle sperimentazioni cliniche. Attestato di partecipazione. 

- Partecipazione ai seminari organizzati dalla scuola di specializzazione in scienze dell alimentazione.

30/01: Ipertensione arteriosa e sale: un connubio pericoloso

20/02: Novità in tema nel trattamento dell'obesità

19/03: Approccio nutrizionale nelle ferite e decubiti. 

16/04: La cachessia cardiaca: approccio nutrizionale

11/06: Approccio nutrizionale alle pancreatiti. 

24/09: La nutrizione artificiale domiciliare: ieri, oggi e domani

08/10: Esplorando la dieta mediterranea nascosta: le verdure selvatiche e la loro ecologia umana

Conferences and Events

- Jun 7/8 2024: XLIV Congresso nazionale SINU; Piacenza. Certificate of attendance.

- Oct 14/02024: Event "Next Bite", organised by EitFood. Rome.Certificate of attendance.

- Mar 14/15 2024: Congresso intyerregionale SIO. Focus su onìbesità, diabete mellito di tipo 2 e Nutrizione clinica.

- Apr 14/15 2024: Event "Matchmaking and later Food4Future", EitFood. Bilbao 



- Advancing fecal volatilome profiling by two-dimensional gas chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOF MS) and image pattern recognition. Fulvia Trapani;Andrea Caratti;Erica Liberto;Ilario Ferrocino;Luca Cocolin;Ilaria Goitre;Valentina Ponzo;Simona Bo;Chiara Cordero. 2024-01-01. 11th International Symposium on RECENT ADVANCES IN FOOD ANALYSIS - RAFA 2024. November 5–8, 2024. Praga.


- Abstract: Exploring probiotics potential: rebalancing gut health in non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Ilaria Goitre, Ilario Ferrocino, Valentina Ponzo, Chiara Cordero, Luca Cocolin and Simona Bo. Presentato e accettato come poster eventio Sinu 2024.

-Abstract: COMPLIMENTARY ROLE OF BMI AND EOSS IN ALL-CAUSE AND SPECIFIC-CAUSE PREDICTION.Beatrice Stella, Valentina Ponzo, Fabio Bioletto, Ilaria Goitre, Farnaz Rahimi, Simona Bo. Medical Sciences, University of Torino, Torino, Italy. Presentato e accettato al  46esimo Congresso ESPEN. 7/10 settembre. Milano. ESPEN24-ABS-1530

- Abstract Title: Irisin level as a potential biomarker for hepatic steatosis improvement after a 6-month lifestyle intervention in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease. The following abstract was submitted for the EASL Congress 2024.  5–8 June 2024. Milan. 

Abstract Title:Urinary EVs as biomarker for renal dysfunction and signs of premature aging in young women suffering of anorexia nervosa. ISEV2025 Abstract Submissions: ISEV 2025 Annual Meeting. April, Vienna. 

- Abstract Title: The use of controlled attenuation parameter for the assessment of treatment response in patients with metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease undergoing a lifestyle intervention program. The following abstract was submitted for the EASL Congress. 7–10 May 2025. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 


- Ponzo V, Goitre I, Favaro E, Merlo FD, Mancino MV, Riso S, Bo S. Is ChatGPT an Effective Tool for Providing Dietary Advice? Nutrients. 2024 Feb 6;16(4):469. doi: 10.3390/nu16040469. PMID: 38398794; PMCID: PMC10892804.

- Ponzo V, Ojeda-Mercado D, Finocchiaro C, Goitre I, Favaro E, Lamberti L, Bo S. The effects of a fibre-enriched bakery product on glucose, insulin values and appetite. A pilot randomised cross-over trial. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2024 Jun;75(4):407-415. doi: 10.1080/09637486.2024.2314679. Epub 2024 Feb 14. PMID: 38356166.

- Bioletto F, Ponzo V, Goitre I, Stella B, Rahimi F, Parasiliti-Caprino M, Broglio F, Ghigo E, Bo S. Complementary Role of BMI and EOSS in Predicting All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in People with Overweight and Obesity. Nutrients. 2024 Oct 10;16(20):3433. doi: 10.3390/nu16203433. PMID: 39458429; PMCID: PMC11510653.


Participation in Projects

Title of the research project : "alimenti funzionalizzati arricchiti con proteine di grillo e proteine di origine vegetale (NOODLE)". Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) and Department of Medical Sciences (DSM) at the University of Turin, and the University of Gastronomic Sciences (UNISG), Pollenzo. Study Coordinator: Prof. Ilario Ferrocino (DISAFA).

Title of the research project:  "Effetto di alimenti funzionalizzati arricchiti con nuove fonti proteiche sul microbiota intestinale". Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) and Department of Medical Sciences (DSM) at the University of Turin. Study Coordinator: Prof. Ilario Ferrocino (DISAFA).

Title of the research project: “ASTageANI:Studio di popolazione sui fattori che condizionano le scelte alimentari nella popolazione anziana residente nella provincia di Asti”. Department of Medical Sciences (DSM) at the University of Turin. Study Coordinator: Prof. ssa Simona Bo. 

Activities of Public Engagement 2024

- UNIGHT 2024 - Attività per il progetto di PE 'Le culture del Cibo (CUBO). Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca.  PEN-24592

- Notte Europea dei Ricercatori - "Che ne pensa onorevole?". Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca. PEN-24480

- A spasso con il gusto del sapere - Settimane della scienza 2024. Iniziative di tutela della salute. PEN-23994

- Just the woman I am - 1 marzo - educazione alimentare sulla prevenzione dei tumori. Iniziative di tutela della salute. PEN-25280





Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/01/2025 10:53
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